Sumerians were people who lived in southern Mesopotamia around 3500 BC to 1800 BC. Had twelve city-states were the most famous are the primordial and Sumer. A common language called Sumerian was followed in all these cities. While there is no modern descendants of the Sumerians, the Sumerian culture flourishes largely because of their inventions. No other ancient culture has contributed so much to the world of today as the Sumerian culture. We know so much forSumerian culture through sound, their inventions, and - in writing.
The Sumerians were the first human settlements, completing the old nomadic ways. They were an agricultural culture, and grew crops in three areas. Within the city, have always maintained gardens, while the cultivation of cereals and other foods from agricultural sources were the areas outside the city. The region was the third of the water resources, particularly for the grazing of domesticatedThe animals, hunting, and gathering fuel. The salty and stagnant water from the canals were used for the cultivation of date palms very nutritious. In order for agriculture, the Sumerians need irrigation. This paved the way for the development of canals and dams to control flooding of the river Euphrates. Large-scale cooperation was needed to ensure that the canal irrigation continue to repair them, and finally to distribute the shares of water concerns and address. This has led toMonarchy, the government and laws. The Sumerian culture continually invented and reinvented to perfection.
Sumerian villages in the hills, with houses clustered together on narrow roads built. Some houses have been two or three stories high, and the Sumerians had learned very early to do the brick and dry in the sun or an oven. The cities were surrounded by a wall around it and the settlements of the poor were protected from outside these walls with houses made of clay pipes.Like all other ancient societies was the Sumerian culture centered on the gods. The cities were built around the shrine of a local god. Every city, wealth was in the temple complex structures down. Ramps and stairs to the temple which stood on raised platforms run. The temples were not only places of worship, but the entire Sumerian culture and their dependents for daily life. The temple complex had quarters for priests, officials, accountants, singersand musicians. It 'also served as a repository for the city and a warehouse for grain, tools and weapons. Workshops for professionals, who were the mainstream of the Sumerian culture, were in the temple complex as well. These include bakeries, pottery, jewelry, upholstery and spinners and weavers. Sheep and goats for sacrifice to the gods were to be kept inside the temple complex.
Sheep, goats, cattle, donkeys and dogs were, although the horses and camels have been domesticatedis not yet known. The Sumerian culture is responsible for several inventions, such as running a race. The plow for agriculture, the wheel of Commerce, trucks, boats for moving bulk goods on the river, and especially the writing was invented to facilitate the work of remembering the details of the trade.
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