It makes sense to do good business ...!
Why it makes sense to drive a good deal for the company to spend time developing a "corporate culture" that recognizes the product, and contribute, use, ownership and value of intangible assets? Perhaps the main reason is because even in the midst of the recession, there is a business reality - economic fact that 65% is the value of most companies, the sources of revenue and sustainability - are directly related to intangibleTask!
So why make so many decision makers continue to express reluctance to
(a) to learn more about intangibles and
(b), has extended its efforts to build an internal (company) culture that uses its intangible assets effectively and efficiently?
In general, the reasons are policy makers are willing to their intangible assets are that they (the intangible assets to participate)
(a) lack of physicality,
(b) does not appear in the balance of society
(c)tend to be outside the conventional teaching "MBA" for decision making, and in autumn
(d) requires "outside-the-box" thinking to identify, disclose, use the position to make money, and the creation of value.
What is a good starting point ...?
A good starting point is the work of Edgar Schein () on the corporate culture which emphasizes that a company culture begins when c-suite, business units and employees to recognize there is a collective review "results" if theyto confront, engage and resolve (the company) issues, namely efficiency, competitive advantages and new discoveries, which comes from solving problems and caused the value of one undertaking from those of efficiency, competitive advantages and new insights . These intangible costs should be identified, untangled, evaluate positions, leveraged and exploited to optimize and extract the value, instead of being accepted, rejected or perhaps worse, unmeasured and unvalued!
Another good starting pointThis recognizes that "knowledge economy", a reality, not just a cliche relevant / applicable only to Fortune 500 companies and intellectual property (IP)-intensive businesses.
So, what the ultimate goal ...?
The ultimate goal for the efforts makers' marketing to continue building a sustainable corporate culture that recognizes actually produces and receives its intangible assets to achieve a common and co -
(a) the properties
(c) the assumptions and
(d) behaviors to intangible assets that are based, and lead the company and its business units in their strategic business planning.
How do you deliver an intangible asset-oriented corporate culture is ...?
The answer is, enough to consider the decision makers to:
Officials expressed - the manifestation of the newly acquired "culture" as valid and worthy of being taught new employees the right to represent(better, effective and efficient) way
(a) make,
(b thinking), and
(c) in relation to the management of new feelings, as well as routine problems and challenges (internal and external) that a company and / or business units face.
Yes, because the asset is focused "corporate culture" important today, at this time ...?
It's because (an intangible asset-oriented corporate culture) is a valid and effective instrument to increase the awareness of enterprisesRelevance and importance of real sources (influenced) the value of the company! An intangible focused company can also act as a catalyst for the internalization of strategies and incentives to begin to monetize the leading causes of business value, provide income and sustainability (away from physical assets) assets of intangible assets !
The design and implementation of a "corporate culture that focuses on intangible assets requires's decision makers to determine initially - to assess:
whatAttitudes and beliefs must be found that will actually produce, recognize and maintain control, use, possession, and the value of intangible assets of a company?
how these attitudes and beliefs will be translated and communicated by employees, business units, c-suite and board ultimately manifests itself (as a consistent best practices, training, policies, procedures, etc.) required for the , supervision and management of companiesassets?
Bunn water and bring to life the adage that a good corporate culture, which includes
(a) 20% Machinery
(b) 80% of respondents.
That is, it is important to recognize that the best practices, policies, procedures, rules and regulations, not apathy or dismissiveness conceptual compensate intangible assets!
And, as always taught by Dr. Ken Jarboe, there are several factors considered by financial markets, and (presumably) wouldBuyers and sellers of intangible assets compared to determine the suitability "of an intangible asset, one of which is whether it is transferable? In other words, the culture of an organization (and intangibles), specifically that companies, industry and / or geographic location that can not be replicated or change a market or a substantial economic slowdown, that is, protracted recession?
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