Innovative studies, such as books, Jim Collins, "The Last and Good to Great John Kotter's book, Corporate Culture and Performance have developed shows that the culture of a company's operating style and form strong positive (or negative) can play groups All repair work organizations and the arts was a bit 'too complex and mysterious to most of the organizations subject. identifies the Breckenridge Institute ®elements of organizational culture and formulated in a culture ™ equation that describes what organizational culture is, in simple and practical terms (see below).
THEN ↔ ↔ COI ROI = Current Results ™
Managers can use this simple equation simultaneously improve the performance of organizational, work group and levels of individual employee. The terms of the cultural ™ equation are defined as follows:
THEN Pattern =Interactions (Thu, informal rules, actions, interactions, group-learning)
COI = context interaction (Say, formal rules, structures, systems, location)
ROI = Archive of interaction (tacit assumptions, structure of belief, meaning, history)
Actual results: Gets actual organization, but not its objectives
The main result is that organizational culture is all four terms in the equation, with each half in a significant increase (but) interdependentGroup of companies to interact with others, an organization of financial and non-financial results. It is the combination of the four concepts, organizational culture and creates many managers experience how this interaction Bureaucracy ™ of culture visible.
The culture of a society is created, consolidated and strengthened the mechanisms described by a strong participation. The strength of this exhibition embedding mechanism: a)how strong is the culture, b), is as explicit (or implied), teaching and / or a message from the culture, and c) and intentional (or not), actions and interactions of culture.
Primary Embedding Mechanisms: the formal and informal rewards are the most important mechanisms to enhance the inclusion of the culture of a society, because they lead to actions and interactions actually established, as what people should be their time, energy and concentration to defineResources. What does an organization, is rewarded formally) IOC (but what is actually rewarded POI (informal) and informal rewards have the greatest impact on creating jobs, strengthening and maintaining the organizational culture. In fact, the more the gap between the POI and COI, the stronger is the inclusion of its effect.
Secondary Embedding Mechanisms: These include organizational design (structures and systems), geographical location, physical space, furnishings, equipment,Equipment, rules, procedures, official statements about the basic ideology (purpose, values, basic) and philosophy. This is mainly to strengthen the countries of origin, but what do these elements "(ROI) within a given culture, and the actual day of daily activities to strengthen (POI), in this context, and to incorporate the concept COI ™ in the above equation of culture.
Tertiary Embedding Mechanisms: The purpose of culture "teaching" to see how "people" of the world, and the third is the embeddingMechanism is, as has been done, for example, through apprenticeships, training, indoctrination and interpretation of what later, the IOC and the latest findings mean in the context of "culture" (which is not as do or see Him up to here). Organizational rituals, ceremonies, traditions, heroes, stories and important historical events are also tertiary mechanisms of inclusion. These are mainly ROI, but also for the other terms in the equation Culture ™. ROIthe mechanism more difficult to change directly through education, training, indoctrination and interpretation of events in organizational life, because the tacit beliefs and assumptions on which forms naturally ROI (unconsciously) as a result of observation of the interaction POI within the IOC.
I repeat: the passage of time, the daily experience of repeated POI, COI, ROI, and the present results support the migration of these cultural elements in the operations of autopilotand, finally, are the reality of the organization, as it is, for example, up to here.
Most cultural theorists focus on one or two terms in the equation Culture ™ as the main factors that define the organizational culture, but some systematic consideration of all four concepts and their mutual dependence on each other. For example, Edgar Schein focuses primarily on the beliefs and assumptions tacit (ROI) and the context in which they occur (COI), David Hanna focusesobserved primarily on the work habits and attitudes to explain how the organizational culture really works, for example, the interaction between the POI and COI how to produce effective results in a company, and John P. Kotter and James Heskett Focus latest results shortcut for the degree of flexibility in the POI as I found in theory: strong cultures, Theory II: culture appropriate policy and theory III: Adaptive cultures.
Culture Equation ™ can be applied to allOrganizations of all sizes in every sector in every country, regardless of their governance structure (for-profit, non-profit, government), the products and / or services produced, the number of sites and business life cycle phase. organizational culture may consist of two very different perspectives, which reflect the individual but interdependent collective Paradox ™, is analyzed, for example, organizations that are collective, cultural institutions are led, managed and edited on a personTime:
Bottoms up analysis
Top-Down Analysis
A top-down analysis focuses on the culture from the perspective of the collective model common POI, COI and ROI to make powerful actions and interactions of managers and employees. From this point of view, the culture of emergent properties, which is the form of models, structures and processes to take delivery, which are not directly attributable to the actions, interactions and personalities of individual managers and employeesStates, even if the executives and key employees (culture-carriers) a greater impact on creating jobs, strengthening and maintenance of cultural norms.
A bottom-up look at the culture from the perspective of the constituent elements of culture in groups of 2S, 3S and 4S, to be consistent with the main topics: a) the fact that over 85% of the sources of performance problems and conflict in work groups from countries outside of the working group in the organizational structures,Systems and culture. From this point of view, it is possible, actions, interactions and personalities of individual managers and employees do not "add" to the collective cultural norms are equal, even if the directors and key employees are (vectors of culture a) a greater impact on creating jobs, strengthening and preserving the elements of culture.
When a working group or organization is more or less managed to produce revenue and meet the challenges of societyEnvironment, is the model that the conditions in the culture Equation ™ and is represented on autopilot, as we are talking in the neighborhood. Achieved over time, an organization that the specific configuration of the Culture Equation ™ a state of equilibrium and frozen in a business environment that forces exercise called on society. As David says Hanna, all organizations are perfectly matched the results obtained, get! Good or bad, the systemfinds a way to balance its activities to achieve certain results. When new employees are hired, are forced to order the world from their earlier work, with what this organization and try to compare the significance of this way of working together. Experience have internalized the view of the organization and working conditions, long ago, in order to make the autopilot and powerful account of their decisions. Employees who have not (or not) way to internalize this company View and working in the equation cultural ™ as codified in the rule not to remain in an organization.
Bottom Line: Whether you're a leader of the founder of a new company and a top manager or media in a consolidated company, one of its main tasks is to create, manage and (if necessary) to the organizational culture in order to destroy in order to produce the expected results for the organization or workgroup. The exact definition of culture as described> Culture Equation ™ and the insertion procedure above to give executives and managers with a powerful set of tools to do so.
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