In our turbulent world, it is tempting to see America as surrounded by enemies intent on our destruction. Everywhere we look, we are able to understand the signs of American decline. Often, especially in a period of economic turmoil to our installation problems can be impassable. But sometimes, just look at the world from a different perspective can help us gain perspective. And when the lens of one of the most acute observers of the contemporary scene in the world, however, but may help to take us allTake a deep breath and relax.
The Post-American World, best-selling author Fareed Zakaria takes a look at the place of the United States in the world, and explains why we have reason for optimism. Zakaria was born in India, in this country came as clumsy and naive, eighteen years in the depths of the recession of the early 1980s. What he found, and what we see all around us today is a dynamic country and expansive, open to new ideas and the will, the world has to offer to show.What has changed in today's world, he explains, the United States did not, but it is simply the rest of the world running to catch us. And while this new era in which ideas and aspirations of the American world, inspired to be connected in the following specific challenges need not so frightening as the pessimists and even-Sager will. In his view, the key to understanding our changing world to recognize that America is not really behind, but the restthe world is increasing. And when we are tempted to react by withdrawing the withdrawal of the Fort and then in America, secure in our faith in their own superiority, we have a game that other civilizations in the past could not play and probably show our leadership in the future.
The author cites the lessons of history is the example of China, another major country that was once at the forefront of dimensions. Almost a century before Columbus, in the early 1400,set a series of shipments from China here, with hundreds of ships, each larger than a Spanish galleon, carrying thousands of men. They sailed along the east coast and south-east Asia in the Indian Ocean, and fired, he met with the majesty and power of the Chinese civilization, and return with treasures like precious stones, exotic plants and animals. Come the middle of the century, that cancels everything: a new emperor in power, who pays for these trips, asunnecessary and costly extravagance of little benefit for China. Before the end of the next century, construction of similar vessels were forbidden under pain of death, and vast areas of forest have been burned to make similar undertakings in the future impossible. And so China, convinced of his superiority, he withdrew from external contact to close in about ... and it was not long before he had the rest of the world, given the stagnant Chinese culture in all types of benefits. Tookapproaching six centuries of struggle to the fore once again, and now, having learned the lesson of history, seem determined not to repeat the mistake.
Today when we are faced with threats from many quarters, Zakaria reminds us that often do not realize how lucky we are to live in an age of abundance and age of discovery and adventure. Now that America has led the way, the rest of the world races in step with us. But he warns, should not treat their efforts withSuspicion or contempt, but there should be submitted to embrace the future through our ideals because it is precisely these ideals that have long inspired the world.
First, many of our resources are the American culture and people. Both are with the resistance and full of optimism. The American spirit of innovation comes from the openness of our culture and off-beat and heretics, and the embrace of welcome, showed us the best and brightest from around the world.It demonstrates, despite the imperfection of our much derided as education, the author, that most of our problems stem from differences in our country is, the author notes, a wider gap between the students of our typical , middle schools and impoverished schools in the city center, as among our best and the best from the rest of the world. And while we mourn our own results of waste, others are in fact the United States to learn ourTechniques. And what they are very impressed by what we take for granted the willingness of students to teachers to challenge their courage to speak, are in class, and their ability to continue to apply what is taught in their everyday creativity. While the rest of the world can teach us to fly their students to take standardized tests and our system to produce people who can be innovative, ready to beat the traditional conventions in question. Our culture seems to be considered hereticaland extravagant, and why our schools are not as squash from our students, as well as some countries, these same extravagant endure to maintain our culture cool.
We are the comparison, the British Empire from its heyday, Zakaria is that Britain, if the fortune of talented statesmen, has been burdened by a dysfunctional economic system and culture that stifled the creative impulses in British society. In different ways, America's Cup is just the opposite: We have a vibrant, dynamic culturethat remains the envy of the world, but one that with a political system that often seems to matter most to gain temporary partisan political advantage than when the country is charged to the front. And where our culture is enjoying an influx of immigrants to bring the energy, ambition and new ideas with them, we often confuse the challenges they bring to the danger, instead of looking at what they are and have always been : a valuable source of renewal.
Hypocrisywell written, with a global perspective that is often missing in today's commentators filled, The Post-American World offers hope and perspective. It is not written in the treble of the academic world, but was born with a precision of thought and deep understanding. Those who are interested in understanding the United States in the world, past, present and future, would do well to read carefully. The world needs an America that is, embodies the free spirit and sense of adventure, we have always supportedgranted. That is, the author concludes, this country really matter in the world and the reason that most people look upon the earth, neither the United States with good intentions. It would be a shame if she stayed back because of incorrect attempts, the future that we are America, we ... wasted and forced the world to search for a new one.
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