"A nation which has its privileges above its principles soon loses both."
Dwight Eisenhower
Leader, do you think you have it under control. Do you really? Today's media is strongly influenced our organizational values. Please now follow my path carefully and your step. Recently, the Oscars, the biggest showcase of entertainment label, has highlighted several cultural strata. Some, including Oscar-winning Crash (Best Picture) and Brokeback Mountain(several Oscars). Crash focused on racial and social prejudices while Brokeback Mountain depicted a homosexual relationship. TransAmerica, a story of a conservative trans-sexual, was also spotlighted. The causal observer may not care; however, organizational leaders shouldn’t ignore these cultural implications.
Let’s explore leader-follower value systems. Leaders inspire followers under cultural constraints. Postmodernism, a 20th century term, focuses on a multi-cultural movement that rejects absolute truths (pluralism), universal stories, and traditional concepts like religion. Many bosses ignore the influence of pop-culture on their organizations. They feel protected because they exist in a traditional, controlled environment. However, postmodernism attacks the very heart of tradition.
Let’s analyze a traditional institution such as the church and the effect of Postmodernism on it. Kelm, author of Understanding and Addressing a Postmodern cultural influences of far-reaching. For example, Christians often make value judgments based on intuition and reasoning, rather than a biblical framework.
Therefore the management should not be too comfortable in the opinion that they are of such cultural influences freed. So what are the organizational implications? Postmodernism has employees who are more cynical and pessimistic, to discuss what is right. The leaders of today not be neglected post-modern movement and its value impact in organizations. Leaders should know personally for their staff to understand cultural change and help to adapt their organizations. Start today!
CNN. (2006). Best picture goes to the bold drama 'Crash'. Received on 6 March 2006
Kelm, P. (January 21, 1999). Understanding and addressing a postmodern> Culture. Presented to the Board for Parish Services.
Wikipedia.org (2006). Book Review on the revolution. Received on 28 February 2006 to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postmodernism # The_development_of_postmodernism.
Wren, D. (1994). The evolution of management thought. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
© 2006 by Daryl D. Green
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