Understanding Mexican Culture - Part 3

เขียนโดย Eva | 00:07

When we lived in Guanajuato for about two years ago, we noticed something strange, so unnerving, so inexplicable that it took two years until we came to a reasonable explanation for a mystery that was frankly a bit overwhelming . This seems to be a breeze for some of my readers. You have written me and expressed how I can I say this, their "dismay" I want that too, "her time" in which it. But it is remarkable in Guanajuato and is somethingWe have yet to see in the other cities we visited in this country.

We actually went on a whirlwind journey to see if the rest of the country of Mexico was like Guanajuato. We have done this for many reasons. One is that we knew, Mexicans, came originally from different cities and states in Mexico, raised an astonishing observation that "The rest of Mexico is not the case as it is here." I mean, really. I find that an incredible statement.

In a sense, I find it credible that wethe same in the U.S., when we talk about parts of the country that are radically different from the region in which we come. Kansas City is nothing like New York City. His people are alike. While we are all Americans, we use different dialects, we have different local customs, and we think differently about life in general, we have different worldviews. Apparently the same holds true in Mexico, and I wanted to know why.

I find it incredible that those who brought us to expressthat the rest of Mexico, Guanajuato is not like doing it in a hushed voice, showing a view from side to side as if they were imported through a secret national security and then they say spat with teeth and act as they wish one disgusted is forced to talk about guanajuatenses.

I wanted to know why, why, why would speak and then someone from Chihuahua City, so contemptible about the people of Guanajuato. We had just walked into a shop occupied by a womanreceived from Chihuahua after my wife shoved off the sidewalk onto the street. Luckily, she was not hurt. But what has happened, my wife is the kind of reporting that I for the last four years in my print column and venues. It is the kind of things I must mention that Mexicans do not share the surprise with which we do it. But if we are together with some of the gringos, they do not believe us to be. (Go figure!)

The knowledge of this lady, because we often shopped in itstore, she noticed we were a little upset and asked why. When we told her that she went to a "Pancho Villa Mexican Rage" routine that is rarely seen as part of a Mexican behavior. After words in Spanish that we do not know that you may or may exploit it, they told us their stories of life in Guanajuato, Mexico, with people who have it as cold, unfriendly and clan. Amazing!

If you are a gringo in the city of Guanajuato, which are in the trenches expatriate life, you will seethis behavior all the time. A true expatriate, a non Fakepatriate which is someone who lives in the Mexican neighborhood, goes almost everywhere understands interferes with the monumental effort to learn Spanish, that the fluency of the first step toward cultural fluency and integrates into the local cultural background.

Fakepats gringo living in protected enclaves. Because they are completely dependent on local bilingual Mexicans in the hands keep everything in this city, theynever to develop linguistic or cultural fluency. Rather than walk, they drive their huge, gas-guzzling SUV's everywhere.

If an expat walks the streets of Guanajuato, and especially in the busiest hours of the day, it is Mexicans who essentially run up and down the sidewalks at a rate that one stop and ask myself, is on view: "Why are they in such a hurry, if it is an inviolable and irrevocable fact that a guanajuatenses never get anywhere on time, always! "

They mayThis is a silly thing to talk about in an essay on Mexican culture. However it is not stupid and has everything do to with Mexican culture. Also it is very important for the potential expat in this city, wants the price of a real expat and live in Mexican neighborhoods, and everywhere on foot. One last point drives home that the cultural significance of this little bump in the road of expat life, that these fast walkers, which is almost all of them, often seeYou as a mere obstacle that needs pushed out of fashion. If you land on the street, then bad luck crybaby gringo. Furthermore, I do not see a normal red-blooded American (male) above all, a redneck, in step always pushed off the sidewalk and very likely always "cut off" from a 20-ton bus.

Americans shoot each other, often lesser offenses.

Let me say one sentence that I do not believe for a minute that the good people of Guanajuato are all plotting theSunset gringos. "I do not think that it getting up in the morning and think,

"I wonder what I am today Gringo can kill by them under a passing bus and make it look like an accident?"

Perhaps a little to be done. I can imagine a girl who serves mainly ice and acts like she would love to kill me if they had half a chance. But, hey, this is only a Mexicana and "Hey, I'm just a gringo.

Nevertheless, the fact remains that the locals who guanajuatenses,on foot, as they terminally late (Oh, what shall I say you are!) and yet they are never for an appointment, class, your funeral, or are always on time. In time for a guanajuatenses means something different than the rest of the planet. However, if something like, say, like a man, then he will go around you, through you, through you, and will not stop if you are screaming in pain from beginning to hit by the bus he did not mean pressing for.

I met a gringo,Visit from Irapuato, when I was hit, was thrown from a bus and into him. We were both struck by the front door of a house (luckily the door was open!) And on the entry floor. We know all of us other through the exchange of phone numbers and Guanajuato hiking tips. I still have his business card.

This wild Sidewalk Slam that Walkers are you almost always women aged 20 to 30, and they are almost always alone. You are not in a group and are all but speed walkingdo what they need to get to you, under you, about you or about you and knock you for a loop in the process. Then, inexplicably, almost miraculously, you start down the road with them and find them now in a group and go as they are a couple of old ladies on their way to the bingo hall.

In fact, you encounter groups of them, are not accidental, but on foot, as they are a bunch of cripples. Sometimes they will suddenly stop, open a bagsomething, and have a little picnic exactly (there on the sidewalk and I'm not talking about this up) that is less than two meters wide. You will laugh standing there, talking about how much they hate their friends, but not live without them, and eat with a single bite.

Once again you are left with the dangers of the street face. In this variant of the sidewalk Nightmare, they will not try to speed past you and knock you on the path of an oncoming tank-of-a-bus, but you mustVoluntarily step into the street and get around them, beat only by a cabin preserved. Otherwise, you must stand there until they finished and hope they would pass you a sandwich and some pork rinds have (which is a staple food in this country is how to avert it seems) your hunger (because you) were on their way to lunch.

During the months of March and April 2007, we went to several cities in Mexico to see some in the central regions and some in the eastern parts of the country, whether its peoplewalked along a sidewalk in a frantic rush to put people into the streets along the route. We saw nothing of it at all. In fact, we have seen little to none of the same behavior in other cities in Mexico, that we so often here. We went to see in these stores, whether the locals in a row in the queue. There they were, like the rest of the world, standing in line instead of the mob-group mentality of the province of Guanajuato.

I have only to ask what is the problem? What's going on in this citymakes it so different from the rest of Mexico? What are the causes of Mexicans who come to call from other regions when it comes to Guanajuato:

"The rest of Mexico is not so?"

I read several books of cultural analysts specializing in Mexican culture. One guy mentioned a situation in Mexico City, where they like bats-out-of-hell driving when there's no tomorrow (and for some there is not ). You are such a hurry to get somewhere they speed around you. But ifthey get out of town, they drive slower than seven years itch in the middle of a horde of small caravan of cars. On the back roads, they drive as if they are asleep and the car drives itself.

When I read this little piece that came to the light bulb! They were my Guanajuato Sidewalk hikers. If only a single woman) (or husband does not go with a semblance of casualness, but when she sees you-The Obstacle, will speed them to share with you. Getaround you in any way they can and will stop at an Olympic racer clip tool along until she gets with someone she knows. Then they slow down, as they suddenly at the age of 100 years and requires the double hip and knee joints.

Why? Why? Why do they do that?

There are two aspects that have everything to do with Mexican culture.

1. Why are the races are on the sidewalk, not only gringos knock out of the way, but other Mexicans? We had to fetchup a few older Mexican men and women who have been knocked around by Mexican youth racing past them too. Then, why if they see a group they know, do they slow down so much that you still have to walk in the street and risk being hit by an automobile?

2. Why don't they get to appointments on time? When you tell them to meet you at your house to paint the living room at 9:00 a.m., why do they show up at 11:00 a.m., expect you to feed them, and not start work until 2:00 p.m. in the Afternoon?

If they run so fast, back and forth on the sidewalks of Guanajuato, why they can not get to work?

Each time you into a culture Bugaboo in Mexico, and especially in a provincial city like Guanajuato that is stubbornly resistant to change with the times, there are three criteria by which these events, so you should understand, assess what is happening .

1. The Mexican understanding of space.

2. The Mexican understanding ofTime.

3. The Mexican group-oriented life.

The Mexican world view is totally different than ours, and we need the Americans everything we see and experience this culture through the Mexican worldview and not by our own interpretation.

While we Americans think of space as a "me, myself, and I", the Mexican mind space as "we, all of us." There is no "I", but "we are in the minds of Mexico. The American draws a circle around him and asks:" Am Idoing ok? "The Mexican draws a circle around the group and asks:" Are we doing ok? "The Americans are aimed at individuals that we have a line around us as individuals and all will have panic attacks when our personal space created in question go.

This is one of the reasons why Americans are so notorious for acting out the Ugly American Syndrome in every country on Earth. They come to Mexico, for example, and for reasons known only to them expecting to be Americanized everything.Also in the city areas of Mexico where the Mexicans are trying with all their might Latino, pampered and coddled to all Americans, but blow a gasket if they are forced into contact with the Mexican view of the world come to meet. If you ask me, Mexicans are amazingly strong and humble people who like (with the U.S. are Americans, I can already see the emails flooding my inbox for that statement).

Whereas the Americans than the time along a straight line, which we run to catch up, have toThe segments of our life score on this line that we have to respect pay for it, not the Mexican. We take time as clicks on a clock. The Mexican terms of time as flowing stream, where they ride on a raft of life. They float with the tide, and the target sooner or later. Space and Time in Mexico by the group dynamic, always filtered!

The second problem mentioned above, by far the easiest to find. To get to be aAppointment on time for Mexico's ever happened. In the mind of the Mexicans, they always get to where they need to go on time on Mexican time. Once it is on the appointment, if they are on time. It does not matter whether they do it by some deadline. The time set for the appointment, the appointment is the proposed time. And because time is a flowing stream, could be many things have happened during the trip that current. Sometimes the ride on the flowing and very liquid stream of time isquickly and sometimes it's slow.

Moreover, it does not matter, why did not the Mexican "on time" as long as he was done. It is important that he is now. It does not matter why he did not make it right by ten to the point. He stood there, and what counts. The Gringo in a fit of apocalyptic proportion of no earthly good to go do. It just will not! It will not change that, so you might as well as your life raft on the Mexican current time and startgoes with the flow!

The question of why she is not whizzing down the sidewalks knocking people out of the way so easy and can be a combination of criteria that I mentioned above. This is Mexico, so why not this statement a little twisted? Folding appears a way of life here.

When I am down the sidewalks between the Embajadoras parks and the downtown of Guanajuato for a walk, I stroll at a leisurely pace. What I've noticed is when a single Mexican woman, and (as they seem to be anyWomen) will walk behind me, it is very similar to reducing the highways in central Mexico, when a truck increases and attempts to attach itself to the rear bumper. It is as if they do not bear it that there is something in its path. It is not so keen on them that I make them late for everything, because delay is not a consideration in the mind of a Mexican could. It is that I am on an obstacle Clock the current time they are going and I need to be treated. Theywants to go faster than me. If my presence suddenly dawns on her that she looks at me as an obstacle to get past. Once around me, I forget.

When she sees someone knows that they continue on the sidewalk, then the Mexican group orientation that comes into play and she slowed down, because she is now willing to employ the group mentality. If there is no one to "group", then they could continue on with this speed and course, they only used to knock me down. Who knows? On Mexican Time is everythinghappen, as it often does.

The more provinces, the city, the more you will see all these dynamics come into play. I've heard a business woman, originally from Monterrey to complain about how their employees would constantly show Guanajuato, to work "too late." Their traditional concept of time and lateness was so out of life so close to America that they not changed their minds in the province. I've heard that over and over again by Mexicans, whose personal worldview was MexicanChange and more to come in line with the rest of the economy from the perspective of time and punctuality.

A school in Leon, Guanajuato, that Spanish to gringos offer has to offer come-on to one-time-to-class bonus to the Mexican teachers they have hired to teach Spanish. At the University of Guanajuato, some students have told us that sometimes professors do not show up to teach a class offered without explanation. Remember, if you are facing him on his late arrival or absence of the Mexicanwould say: "The why is not important. The important thing is that I'm here now."

Just this evening we were sitting with a lady whose late husband was responsible for building many of the modern hotels in this city, as well as some of the newer tunnel responsible. He was an architect and the family is very well connected. I asked her about the differences in the Mexican people from region to region. It confirms what I have written about in the past four years.

She said that the further northGo to Mexico, you will find the locals have a much more accommodating towards gringos. They are "beautiful" and "sweet," said Doña Carmen, and not as "cold", as in Guanajuato.

Here is a 72-year-old woman who had lived all her life in Guanajuato. She was born here, and it is this comparison of the different regions of the country and her hometown of Guanajuato.

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