The book is divided into seven chapters dealing with the definition of local theology, a local theology, cultural studies, theology and its context (religious tradition as a local theologies), and the tradition of Christian identity, popular religion and official religion and syncretism and dual-religious systems.
In the first chapter, the author makes the important shift of perspective in theology in recent years. This shift has been a focus on the role thatCircumstances play in shaping one's response to the gospel, because it was observed that the theology of the older churches of the North Atlantic community is inherited is not well adapted to these very different cultural contexts.
Three major varieties of local theology analyzed (translation, editing and contextual approaches) is not only a relationship between a cultural context, and theology to beat, but also about the relationship between theology and the community in which ittakes place. Local dialectical theology as a dynamic interaction between gospel, church and culture defined.
The second chapter focuses on how the interaction between gospel, church and culture takes place. The author uses a card to the relationships in Ortstheologien table. This serves two purposes, orientation and evaluation.
In the third chapter, the author echoes, no culture is ever so simple that a full explanation and description canbe given, nor is it always so static that all completely uniform. Once the question was found in theological reflection in the culture, is one prepared to start dialogue with the gospel of the great religious traditions. From the perspective of local theologies, there are two dimensions to this dialogue. The first is to determine the right type of discourse. The nature of the theological conclusion that the most sense is discussed for dealing with the situation at hand and makeChapter four, where they are investigating various forms of theology and its relationship to the local conditions. This chapter deals with the Christian tradition in order to facilitate the encounter between the local Christian theology and tradition. The second dimension has to do with the quality of the theological conclusion. The fifth chapter describes eleven questions, highlight the different ways some of the problems, both local and theology and the Christian tradition's face in their mutual encounter andGrowth. The overall purpose of the chapter is to come to a framework wherein a local church better to build with the tradition.
In the penultimate chapter, it is argued strongly that the local theologies are in many ways, the expressions of popular religions. Thus we must listen to people's religion, to find out what moves people in life is. " The author believes that it is only then that the local theologies can be developed, as most of the liberating power of the Gospel, isits full bloom. It should also be noted that the popular religion that developed in a culture (if they are not fully in place) shows a kind of local theology.
The ultimate part (Chapter 7) describes two other kinds of manifestations of religious belief and activity (syncretism and dual religious systems), their effect on the development of local theologies. The importance of these issues for the Christian practice is presented and some practical considerations for the approachthey are proposed.
Schreiter is correct in his assertion that "the Christian tradition, too precious to be squandered an inheritance too lightly or easily treated. But without his other incarnations in the municipalities, it will be treasure buried in the ground to produce a profit" (103 ). Undoubtedly, the book is a very good and practical tool that clearly teaches how to understand culture, it suggests that the message of the gospel roots.This is the most important consideration for researchers during the period when he taught a course history of Christianity in West Africa to West Africa Theological Seminary, Lagos, Nigeria. An evaluation of Christianity from the Portuguese discoveries in the fifteenth century to the mid-seventh century, shows that there is a relative failure of the missionaries in the presentation of the Gospel. Although issues such as malaria, the impact of imperialism and the massBaptisms, rivalries, language barriers and finance, to name just a few names could be listed and can not be underestimated, the issue of an understanding of the culture of West Africa. The Catholics demanded monogamy from their show changes but not, as the unwanted women could be located. If so, they are separated from the men when they condemned such customs and practices such as polygamy, human sacrifice, images and shrines, the latter, which they will be ordered destroyedbefore the conversion, rather than later. The writer 'impressive use of illustrations, bibliographical references and index is noteworthy because it makes sense to add the quality of this invaluable text.
This publication is invaluable to be read by all Christians, because everyone has an opportunity, will have to present the gospel to someone from another culture.
(c) Oliver Harding 2008
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