Create the Right Family Culture and Good Behaviour is Easy

เขียนโดย Eva | 13:34

As an avid football fan, I have the recent debacle with a local football team, that saw two players suspended fascinated by the club until the end of the season. The two players were involved in a car accident after a drinking binge. Then lied about the nature of their participation, which severely embarrassed the club, leading to their suspension.

Since this is not the first time a player from this team have been in dispute, the entire culture that exists in the Club is being called into question.

Poor behavior is endemic in the rule, unless the culture of the group is changed.

The general consensus is that players off-field behavior of the poor do not change until the club culture changes. The leadership group must work hard to create a culture that encourages the right behavior.

The same principle applies to families.

If parents are to promote justice> Culture within their family, then the behavior of children will be generally in line with this culture. This requires the parents to be effective leaders of the family and not only be competent managers of children's behavior.

About what kind of culture we focus on?

There is no question that the family's culture, which has the best outcomes for children, one that promotes the following values:

(1) SharedResponsibility: As a family business will share decisions, responsibilities, joys and problems.
(2) equality: Parents and children have the same rights to be heard and to influence others.
(3) Mutual Respect: We treat each other fairly and respectfully. This occurs when we listen to each other, do not use mine depreciation and take interest in each other.
(4) Self-discipline: It's about personal responsibility. ParentsTeaching children that respect for order, control their impulses, regulate their behavior within certain limits and develop an understanding of the rights of others.
(5) Cooperation: Cooperation is a group-oriented approach and is a two-way thing, considering where the children how their behavior impacts on others. Cooperation is obtained will not be forced or bought.

The challenge for parents, of course, that the board not easy. They work with children, take the L-plates when it comes with one another. They are not small adults. They are children!

But this give parents a clear advantage. In the first seven or eight years of life, children are like sponges, soaking up the prevailing values and messages from the significant adults in their lives. To make the most of this opportunity years is the key. The messages get children do not get very meaningful because they move toward adolescence.

The most appropriate parenting positive impact on family life> Culture is the authoritative leadership style. This style usually includes three major aspects:

(1) building relationships and encouraging
(2) limit-setting and accountability
(3) involvement of children in the family business

The third aspect of this list is perhaps the biggest challenge for most modern parents. That children have a voice in the family is a good management principal as children are more likelyStick to decisions that they had a say to make.

But how do parents know that this happens?

Regular Roundtables family is the solution. They provide opportunities for families to share and give the children a regular input in a structured way.

Family Roundtables are brilliant vehicle for parents, strong and vibrant cultures in their families to create. They are best in the Opportunity years (from age 4 to 10) and they take some effortBut the returns in terms of outcomes for children, with a view to creating stronger, harmonious families, and in order to reduce parental stress are massive.

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