Four Reasons It Is Important To Preserve Iroquois Culture

เขียนโดย Eva | 01:33

It is important to preserve culture and heritage of each heterogeneous group of people, because the story can really shape the future. It is much easier to understand philosophy and current day events when you start a base of understanding from which to. Ancient cultures and past events form the framework, with reference to the here and now. This particularly applies to the examination of the Iroquois culture. There are four main reasons why it is especially importantTo preserve Iroquois culture.

1. The Iroquois were probably the most important Native American tribe on the continent of North America. The United States and Canada, their forms of government modeled after the structure and organization of the Iroquois Confederacy shown.

The first 200 years of American and Canadian history are imbued with a system for a remarkable similarity to the Iroquois-style of management of affairs. Part of the success of the Iroquois' is aligned withtheir organizational skills, as well as by their desire to do the things in unity and with a sense of purpose. The Iroquois were the first group with a method of checks and balances in their leadership style. Can Despite what are widely believed to be true, the Europeans learned more from the Iroquois than vice versa. This is a known fact, since these structure was in place of the Iroquois, before a European connection has been made and share.

2. The United StatesConstitution and the Articles of Confederation are generally structured in accordance with the rules and regulations of the tribe of the Iroquois.

We would not have the documents that we have today or the structure of our society, if not for the future Iroquois people. The documents, which govern the entire United States was created through the efforts of the Iroquois Nation and all of the tribes.

3. The culture of Native Americans in shaping the religious paththe United States.

Through the influence of the Jesuits, French, the Iroquois began the assimilation of their Indian traditions with the Catholic-Christian beliefs and principles that are always dominant with the influx of settlers.

Handsome Lake, a Seneca religious leader and prophet, had three visions - some called it supernatural visualizations. Commitment from these visions, he had to persuade the Iroquois to retain their traditional Native AmericanBeliefs, while the inclusion of some Christian principles as well. This combination was needed for the Iroquois begin to grow again in a culture that had changed in the middle of the influx of so many new citizens.

4. The Iroquois legends are a part of history and should be remembered and told.

There is a legend, the story of how Deganawida hid the sun at any unenthusiastic Iroquois nation, tribe members to convince, says the plan for the formation of the Iroquois to joinLeague. There have been suggestions that may help a solar eclipse at the time Deganawida hide the SO is reported to have been possible, a solar eclipse in upstate New York in 1451, which may have occurred, or may not have set the stage for this spectacle . In any case, it has worked with the founding of the League, the Iroquois tribes had 130 years of peace and prosperity. This is not to say they had no wars against other nations in this time because they did, buteach other, they were united.

Preservation is always an important part of history and the future. For more information about The Code of Handsome Lake and the visions of attending a role in the history of the recovery of the Seneca, please played.

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