I just published an article that one of my counter-intuitive marketing practices revealed.
When I'm my titles Hawking's new book, I will be passed to the editor, which provided for the previous projects, particularly those who are a winner, later, under different fingerprints.
"They blew it again:" I say without the exact wording. "So I once again mistaken."
This is not an approach that will not win friends, or the cause frenzy of appreciation.
In fact, it is reallynot at all pleasant. But this is exactly what we need to get into what I call the post-Nice to be ready.
When we lived generously, spending fun lines of credit, which seemed at last Max, there was indeed a very powerful movement NICE is under way in America.
A book was published, touting "The Power of Nice", while other authors to promote what they call "Permission Marketing" mentioned.
This is more or less people ask: "Do you mind if I sellwhat? "
Very stupid strategy, if the more aggressive tack, which had previously existed.
But, along with opt-in and opt-out lists and telemarketing's Do Not Call Registry, the idea of "nicing" our way to the hearts of the people, the spirit and, above all, purse, seized.
Customer service is a concept of God, with almost all companies and also the place touting fidelity to their holiness.
But now, after the dismissal dramatic corporate and private clients in America andAfter the outsourcing of jobs overseas and the rising unemployment and declining profits of those who continue to work, "Sounds like a good idea" as an artifact characteristic of the past.
Recently, I have a chronicle of how two employees in the retail manager of a "general", he went ballistic when I tried to get a credit for a defective item. Tiffany, or was Britain, even belts out of this no-Nice fury: "Go ahead and report me. I do not care!"
The exclamation point used to so much as a dismissal "as an insultsay: "I am a witch!" It was during the Inquisition. But from what I have seen weeks later, my complaint brought in any hostile action by the administration, which is not significantly so beautiful, so good.
"Service with a smile," is good as a party, it's no wonder that "pejorative sell" is a return?
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