Rethinking strategy: guidance of a leader to create an innovative culture

เขียนโดย Eva | 08:02


To understand better why participates in strategic planning, I led a strategic planning session, with a Baptist church in Virginia Beach, Virginia. This project included a series of on-site meeting with the leadership in various groups and in-depth interviews. The focus was on leadership to rekindle enthusiasm for the mission and ministry and developing a strategic plan (including priorities, objectives and action plans) for future ministry. Thiswas conducted by a group of elected leadership that has worked with me in planning and managing events. This format for a high level of participation and leadership. Since time was a limiting factor, the community was able to offer a comprehensive dialogue in seeking a broader and broader mission and focus on service.

The desired outcome of the project was one of camaraderie and enthusiasm for the mission and ministry among the church leaders and vote for the renewal of 'Organizationat present, the ministries and programs in terms of leadership to determine which areas need or neglect in the life and mission of the community, develop and maintain a priority list for the community, the use of time and energy for the coming years. This Baptist church is a wallpaper to stimulate thought and dialogue on strategic planning and what changes or improvements you can make your own arrangements. I intend to identify the key elements of strategic planning,Developing tools for planning to re-invent, and describe why leaders must articulate the vision of the entire organization. I will have a leader with a way "forward" together - the recommendations for improvement and lessons learned from strategic planning of this session Baptist Church.

Find out why we engage in strategic planning

Strategic planning can occur in a variety of activities, from sporting competitions to nonprofit organizations. This paperdeals with strategic planning from the perspective of a consultant, its content for almost every application. Says Johnston (2003), "Towards an effective strategy, innovation, companies need a new process, which is managed in a creative, market-driven building Centric, heuristics (outdoor), and in the future." (P. 55). In other words, an effective strategy capable of reaching the desired goal fits well with the internal and external environment, a sustainable, competitiveProve advantageous momentum and the ability to adapt to changing situations, and in itself sufficient.

Strategic planning is about analysis whereas the strategic thinking of an effective strategic plan summary is the result of an effective strategic thinking. Strategic thinking requires intuition and imagination, which leads to an integrated perspective of society. Strategic thinking is the precursor to strategy development and results in a synthesis of new issues "from acreative process. (Sanders, 1998, p. 162). Strategic thinking creates an environment in which to identify differences in organizational values and can be eliminated. Sanders argues (1998), which is the creation of a "Futurescape" - paper or a photo of organizational factors - beginning with strategic planning "to help identify problems and issues that the management team and / or other information needed on board before the actual planning session. "(p. 130). Thestrategic plan can be effective only if the differences detected and corrected!

Keys to effective STRATEGIC PLANNING

While my group meetings, I discovered that not only the community is not involved in strategic planning, but every team leader to focus on their job independently. For example, the ministers discussed a plan for their ministry of music, the attitude of top musicians including, but not on a budget or budgetary costRequirements. In addition, the Board of Trustees an annual budget designed to reduce the payments increased to include the debt, but not for the increased need behalf of the Ministry. Neither team management involved the community in their efforts. This lack of communication would only be a budget inexcitable, the delays of the Ministry of Development, and the lack of support form the community. Strategic thinking is only possible with the participation of the entire organization. Leaders who wantSupporters to help implement the strategy need to share their strategies with their supporters and encourage them to actively seek ways in which the strategy can be achieved to propose. "The implementation of a strategy begins with the awareness and involvement of people they need to do." (Kaplan and Norton, 1996, p. 199).

Kouzes and Posner (2002) argues, "Strategic planning often spoils strategic thinking, because the causes executives to believe that the manipulation of numbers generatedimaginative look into the future and vision. "(P. 153). Strategic thinking is more a matter of managing director with a spark of inspiration that miracle working her way through a strategic plan. The goal of the process of strategic thinking is to help the managers and their managing teams, conscious decisions that result requires a strategic plan. This process will see the team work and a full commitment to great ideas come into play. It's about rightPeople who are the right issues.

The element of the environment) (internal and external direct impact on planning. "The organization needs to adapt to the environment or perish." (Sadler, 1993, p. 22). Most companies do not appear on the external dimension of their business to ignore. They devote huge efforts to optimize the internal factors that are under their control, but difficult to hear what happens outside, and make little attempt to formallyto manage part of their activities, with the exception of certain marketing activities. An essential element for the environment, external factors, most of the organizing group is taking "marketing" or evangelization for religious organizations. In addition, there are a whole range of social and political factors that may have an impact. No less important is the impact of government regulations, which can the success or failure of entire industries.

The attention, however, revolves aroundResponses and strategies of the top positions. In the case of our Baptist Church, many leaders have not had the advantages of pursuing 501 (c) (3) or non-profit certification by the Internal Revenue Service, because it is not required by law. However, others see the improvements in the ability to acquire and maintain external resources. Conflicts such as these would be simplified if the control of the organization in all the components needed for their activities. However, this is rarely the case.Organizations related to the environment through their dependence on the resources they need - not a completely separate organization. After you have created Formisano (2003), "Good Company, a system in which the new information environment, industry, or society may be updated and reviewed at regular intervals as part of the strategic plan." (P. 64).

TOOLS FOR reinvention

The tendency for many managers is dealing with the growing complexitythe functioning of an organization is to move away from the complexity of customers continue to supporters and leaders of supporters. Randall (observed 2005), "... the company will continue its work through the complexities of globalization of supply, production, engineering increase, and marketing / sales. This growing complexity makes it increasingly difficult to manage the life cycles product in an optimal way. "(p. 20).

It is easier to adapt to changing conditions in which born, and do not reactas an attempt to define the future. But what is simply a rarely possible to achieve a leadership position. How to do so, managers are beginning to overcome the culture of their creation? Sadler (1993), suggests that organizational culture must be "strategically relevant", which means it must be kept under constant review. (P. 73). Creating a culture capable of continuous change requires a rebirth of the spirit of the visionary leader. Visionary leadersfilled with the vision and the ability to concentrate on one objective, which is the focus of their efforts, the obstacles faced by them are seen as temporary, and their views in line with ideas of how the barriers they face to break. According to Haines (1995), "Strategic planning and change management has long-term from a one-way commitment of the leaders here have defended the plan." (P. 4).

Our Baptist Church has often been called into questionfor new opportunities for service, while at the same time established ideas about the effectiveness and importance of the ministries. The whole situation was confusing and sometimes frustrating. One of the ways that companies can demonstrate their purpose and direction is to make the planning process. "The identification of business opportunities for the strategy of innovation is a process that can be done in any company willing to make the commitment." (Johnston, 2003, p. 70). ThisProcess is a journey, working in an organization to its core values and beliefs, define its vision and future direction.

The impact of technological change is an important factor in developing a strategic plan. "For a strategy demands that we examine how technology is our business: the impact of products, services, processes and investments." (Formisano, 2003, p. 55). The direct impact of new technologies on organizations can immediately apparent. However,Managers are involved in short-term problems, so you can not see the wider perspective, the future and makes them blind to determine the obvious. Like the less obvious or structural social changes created by new technology. The technology is compatible with its larger implications, such as travel to smaller organizations, economies of scale. "In larger companies, she moved to a different effect, encouraging horizontal communication (via e-mail)organization from the traditional vertical (hierarchical), and in this process is the creation of new structures.

The ability to use knowledge to create important strategic partnerships, flexibility in creating new relationships and bring their products and services on the market offers organizations an advantage over competitors. "The partnership in which two or more companies working together to achieve a particular purpose, or can be used to achieve common business goals, agrowth strategy for successful companies in fast-growing track. "(Sherman, 2002, p. 475). There are the organizational relationships, constant attention and care - legal, requiring alliances, competition, technology, and a few names. 'S leader requires an understanding of the relationships that define the nature and boundaries of these relationships. positive relationships increases an organization's ability to deal with conflicts.


Many errors VisionInstructions for mission statements. They are fundamentally different. Mission describes the purpose or broader goal of existence or in business. It acts as a guide in times of uncertainty, ambiguity. It's like a lighthouse. There is no time. The mission can remain the same for decades, if properly prepared. While the vision is more specific in terms of target and time frame of benefits is linked to some form of benefits in case of success. In the case ofOur Baptist Church, the vision is clearly visible and always said - published on the website of the church, printed in the weekly bulletins, and occasionally read aloud during worship. But it was not integrated into the church of "Doing Business". By this I mean that the task of leadership, various ministries and especially front-line leader (assistant co-ordinator) should be to support the global vision of the Church. To be truly effective,organizational point of view must be assimilated into the culture of the organization. Pale (2005) "Through an active vision of the inner workings of your company and its culture, you can objectively see the unique strengths and values related to the company when it might be terrible compared to the aggressive competition."

Leaders have a responsibility to create the communication of the vision regularly stories that illustrate the vision, and whenRole models by embodying the vision, creating short-term goals encourage each other, in line with the vision and for others, his own personal vision compatible with an overall view of trade.


Formisano, R. (2003). Manager's Guide to Strategy. Blacklick, OH: McGraw-Hill Trade.

Haines, Stephen G. (1995). Success of strategic planning. Menlo Park, CA: Course Technology Crisp.

Johnston, RE (2003). Power strategy innovation: a new way ofLinking creativity and strategic planning to discover great business opportunities. Saranac Lake, NY: Amacom.

Kaplan, RS and Norton, DP (1996). The Balanced Scorecard: translating strategy into action. Boston, Mass.: Harvard Business School Press.

Kouzes, James M. and Posner, Barry Z. (2002). The Leadership Challenge. Third ed. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass books.

Paley, N. (2005). He manages to win. London, UK: Thorogood. On June 5, 2006, from

Randall, R. (editor). (2005). Innovation. Bradford, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited. On June 5, 2006, from

Sadler, P. (1993). Strategic Management. Milford, CT: Kogan Page, Limited.

Sanders, TI (1998). Strategic thinking and the new science: planning in the midst of chaos, complexity and change management. New York, NY: The Free Press.

Sherman, A.(2002). To Grow Fast Track Business Growth: Smart Strategies, without derailing. Washington, DC: Kiplinger Books.

Smith, Ronald D. (2004). Strategic planning for public relations. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Incorporated.

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