Reality from the Barrio

เขียนโดย Eva | 05:40

by Leslie Alsheimer. Reality from the Barrio is a collage of powerful images and prose about life as seen through the eyes of the local Santa Fe Youth. This is a celebration of family, culture and community through the rites of passage, and experience the joy, sorrow and love every day. This book offers a glimpse of hope and potential for change given that shows the communities in which marginalized groups can be a legitimate means of expression. Music and poetry by Michael 360 ...

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Phase 3 (part 1) Intro Scene

เขียนโดย Eva | 00:15

Another innovative and riveting series from the creators of the arrival and the divine book. Step 3 is to establish a new standard for movies online. This production will be (inshallah) waking up in the world and unites people of every nationality, religion, culture or religion against injustice. Film by the people for the people. Phase 3 is a film WakeUpProject composed of 5 chapters. Director: Noreaga & Achernahr editing: Bushwackers, Purpose Films, Achernahr, Noreaga Animation & Graphics...

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Creating a culture of success

เขียนโดย Eva | 21:10

Why a company culture so important?

I read in a book called The World Is Flat and the author discusses the importance of the culture of a country on the changes to adapt to changes in the economy of the world. He was referring to the culture of a country, such as: • How well the country • How open are edited to change the country, other nationalities • Their availability, the country is embracing change • How each countryEducation • How each country was not easy to respond to changing • How business and political systems of each country

As a coach for small business, I could not help but notice how relevant the creation of a culture is to the success of a company.

Before proceeding, we need to define what culture means. Culture is defined as the way a company formed and registered, which is important to ensure the success of a business. After the culture is defined,Storehouse of knowledge that can be passed to future generation (new employee) takes on a whole new meaning. We can begin to understand why the definition and implementation of a corporate culture is so important.

Some things that would be in determining the type of culture you want to create, among other things: • How can you see and what you allow your employees to make decisions? • Do you delegate and what is proxy? • How to open, accepting input for other(Employees, customers, suppliers) and how to behave in this information? • What kind of job you want (the best and the brightest, or the staff to leave their brains at home?) • What are the values that you want to embrace and promote their customers, employees and suppliers (Van fairness, honesty, or just have the numbers?) • What kind of behavior that you want to measure and enhance (behaviors that make the creation of long-term relationship or just the sale and move toThe next opportunity?)

Many companies do not give much attention to its corporate culture. It 'was developed for people who assume. Is usually driven by the attitude and behavior or the company president and left unconscious.

When we say the time to define and create your corporate culture, you tell others to grow, what kind of people in your company, who said the market, companies that want to do business with, we definebehaviors that are accepted in your company.

The creation of a specific corporate culture is presented as important to the success of an organization as a solid business plan. In fact, the definition of how it should satisfy your corporate culture is a part of the business plan.

Of all the companies I studied, the most successful in the long run, they were very clear, it would look at what their corporate culture, and took action, was to see, is thatimplemented.

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Welcome to the Post-Sale Nice Culture

เขียนโดย Eva | 15:55

I just published an article that one of my counter-intuitive marketing practices revealed.

When I'm my titles Hawking's new book, I will be passed to the editor, which provided for the previous projects, particularly those who are a winner, later, under different fingerprints.

"They blew it again:" I say without the exact wording. "So I once again mistaken."

This is not an approach that will not win friends, or the cause frenzy of appreciation.

In fact, it is reallynot at all pleasant. But this is exactly what we need to get into what I call the post-Nice to be ready.

When we lived generously, spending fun lines of credit, which seemed at last Max, there was indeed a very powerful movement NICE is under way in America.

A book was published, touting "The Power of Nice", while other authors to promote what they call "Permission Marketing" mentioned.

This is more or less people ask: "Do you mind if I sellwhat? "

Very stupid strategy, if the more aggressive tack, which had previously existed.

But, along with opt-in and opt-out lists and telemarketing's Do Not Call Registry, the idea of "nicing" our way to the hearts of the people, the spirit and, above all, purse, seized.

Customer service is a concept of God, with almost all companies and also the place touting fidelity to their holiness.

But now, after the dismissal dramatic corporate and private clients in America andAfter the outsourcing of jobs overseas and the rising unemployment and declining profits of those who continue to work, "Sounds like a good idea" as an artifact characteristic of the past.

Recently, I have a chronicle of how two employees in the retail manager of a "general", he went ballistic when I tried to get a credit for a defective item. Tiffany, or was Britain, even belts out of this no-Nice fury: "Go ahead and report me. I do not care!"

The exclamation point used to so much as a dismissal "as an insultsay: "I am a witch!" It was during the Inquisition. But from what I have seen weeks later, my complaint brought in any hostile action by the administration, which is not significantly so beautiful, so good.

"Service with a smile," is good as a party, it's no wonder that "pejorative sell" is a return?

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Coin Book Reviews - a guide of Morgan Silver Dollars by Q David Powers

เขียนโดย Eva | 13:06

The 2nd Edition of "a guidebook of Morgan Silver Dollars, a complete history and price target was in the form of 31 Paperback Published in March 2005.

The first chapter, with the appeal and the requirements to collect Morgan dollars and a few tidbits about the history of the dollar Morgan. While only 5 or 1 / 2 pages, is the first chapter full of interesting facts. How do you write two chapters, the book returns to the ways and discussed the history of U.S. dollars coinsgeneral return Spanish milled dollar, the Mint Act of 1792 and how the United States began coins. There are several paragraphs discussing the early replacement of the dollar coins, there popularity, or lack thereof, and as the dollar was lifted and trade dollars.

The book has a very good job describing the events that were happening during this period, such as timing of concern for businesses of silver, and political participation to help them, eventuallyMorgan led the dollar. Chapter 3-4 are packed with excellent information on the design process for the dollar Morgan and stamp with the process. For a new collector of information, this is very good.

Chapter 5 are produced five, yes five different mints that Morgan dollars, even though the Denver Mint Morgan dollars produced only for one year, the year 1921. Chapter five is a little 'history on the individual pieces.

Chapter 6 discusses the variousTreasures of the silver dollar discovered long after the fall of the dollar. Some even thought scare the dates have been abundant, as the Treasury has begun the issuance and sale of silver dollars into the coffers instead of for years.

Chapter 7, delves into the multitude of ways to collect Morgan dollars. If you are aware of all the dollars, Morgan, then you know that in order to collect a variety of ways, this medal field. Chapter 7 gives you a lot of ideas to help you narrow as you wantcollect this series

Chapter 8 describes the classification and rating scale ANA. If you are familiar with the scales, so there's not much new. Also, this is also the place where I think the book could stand some improvement. There are pictures of examples of each class, but like most, if not all books are in the classification, but only descriptions of MS60 and higher. I would have liked to see the large images for each class of State. This would be a clear sign of the collectorsthe impact of the bag labels with regard to the division.

Chapter 9 describes the different varieties of the Morgan series, while in chapter 10, which is the true heart of the book. Chapter 10 contains a page for each year and mint of the entire Morgan Dollar series. Each page contains information on how to collect the keys, transport strike, coins prooflike, Price Guide, the availability of guides, circulation, distribution and variety. Each page is filled full of very specific informationat any time and mint. In addition, there is a summary for each year, argued that the things at the time and other general information about Morgan dollars per year. This type of information no doubt it took years to assemble, and is valuable for the serious Morgan Dollar collector.

Chapter 10 is by far the longest, buy and provides incredible detail for each and every year and mint of the series Morgan. There is a page for each day / mint that provides information, such as optimalCollection of PCGS class people (even if outdated, as most currencies) to be certified, a population estimated in the field as a whole influences, variety, etc. In addition, there is a page for each year, the collection and discuss how life was during the year. In all Chapter 10 is for the series Morgan Dollar collector.

In summary, if a series Morgan Dollar collector, or just a beginner, this book is an absolute must. The information provided in this bookincredible and provides information collectors with an incredible collection of the most popular coins collected today.

This book takes 4 1 / 2 stars.

If this book had blown up pictures of Mint State Type Coin, would be a score of 5 on the dollar is no longer wanted in Morgan Mint State, I wonder why the image selection are not provided.

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Culture of Romanians Can Be Amazing

เขียนโดย Eva | 05:55

Romanian culture has its special story, told from the geographical and historical context of its development. Romania is the only country that is inhabited by Orthodox Christians in America, at the same time maintain its Roman origin.

Romanian culture was influenced by European cultures and then east. In addition, rural communities to transfer an unusual vitality of popular culture. On the other hand, lovers of culture has developed around religious, moraland legal concepts in the courts of rulers and monasteries. One of the greatest cultural figures of the past, the beginning of the 18th century Dimitrie Cantemir, whose books became famous was the turkish empire.

To continue, the basic culture of the Romanians has its origin in the lower secondary school, when you study for the first time the folk ballad "Miorita" is the symbol of the Romanians, the belief in the power of destiny. Here are some hints of this ballad. TwoPastor's assassination of the third, because jealous of him. It was announced by a sheep magic on their decision, but did nothing to prevent his death, but took it calmly and the way in which the left will be buried in nature, to always remain close and loyal to his sheep dogs .

Moreover, according to the historical context and sovereign countries have the cultural influences of various turkish Romanian, Hungarian, Austrian andTherefore, their original culture mixed with the culture is one of those countries. In addition, during the 19th century, many young people went to study in France, that French culture has its importance and impact in a Romanian.

Culture of Romanians is generally large. Even the most modest memorize poems of Mihai Eminescu, the plays written by representatives of the Romanian poet, you know, the responses of Ion Luca Caragiale, or saytheir children the stories, the Ion Creanga. Ion Luca Caragiale was addressed to the great Romanian writer in the irony of a society constantly damaged made him famous for his ideas and discoveries, are still mainly on the Romanian political scene. It used to be described by him as a strong, arrogant, but ridiculous.

In addition, Ion Creanga was a great storyteller, who "wrote Childhood Memories." The charm of this book is that each child willin the book by this author. E 'state before the child childhood generally.

Romanian culture is the musician George Enescu, and painters like Nicolae Grigorescu. It means artists such as sculptor Constantin Brancusi and Gheorghe Zamfir, who enjoyed the world with his pan flute.

Today, as the culture is taught in schools, and only if the children really want to ignore it, is in their minds. We can say that Romania is a country whose people spiritualalways remember, believed in God's help and left their descendants treasure. Romanian culture is considered a good night songs sung by many mothers when they want to silence their infants and values could not be challenged in every area of culture.

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Blackjack Part 3: Telegraph continuous piece of propaganda, concentration camps, Martial Law

เขียนโดย Eva | 22:36

Thursday, February 5, 2009 The Telegraph of London continues to play a raw piece of propaganda in its art and culture section that nuclear attacks points to the big cities, forming a world government and police state repression on citizens with full concentration and L 'implementation of Martial Law. As we demonstrated in our original article, the first installment of the gallery, entitled Operation Blackjack out on a section of the Telegraph web site for art, culture dedicated to...

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Cynthia McKinney: Meds boat rammed into Gaza

เขียนโดย Eva | 10:26

Cynthia McKinney, Green Party candidate for the office said, Revolution Books Town Hall Meeting in Ethical Culture Society, January 13, 2009 to bring the reporting of Israeli warships ram their boat sent medical supplies to Gaza and condemned the complicity the United States in the murderous destruction of Israel in the Gaza Strip and their being targeted by AIPAC

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How to travel with books - Use and abuse of travel books

เขียนโดย Eva | 21:40

You must purchase a travel book or is realistic that we can obtain similar information from other sources? Normally, most have a major issue for the purchase of a travel book. And here are the pros and cons for the purchase of a book.

Benefits of a travel book

A travel book, which is a paperback or e-book may be, is practically on the road. Book through a travel agent, you can viewUnderstanding of customs and culture of a particular place in the world. So you can adapt to this special environment, and stay there too comfortable for long periods.

They come in Handy - The guide is available in different forms, such as e-books, pocket books and file formats. You can provide easy access to these books that are compatible with all the details on the region you would have the support of travel.
EnormousInformation - traditional or electronic guide to provide answers to all sorts of questions like how some spells that can be used when you travel to learn? How are the data on which we live to see to get what and where to eat? How can a clear understanding of the history of a particular region or the atmosphere, okay?
Suits your needs - for all information on a particular country or region, access to both typesare general and special travel office pound. The e-book can be easily inserted into your e-fit whereas the reader of the paperback book in a backpack.

Disadvantages of Travel Book

The price - The e-books and pocket guides are very expensive compared to information from travel Web sites, or those who have moved or receive traveling in the region.
Qualitative Snapshot TravelBooks - Travel books are in black and white. Only a few e-books consist of color photographs. Therefore, a thorough review before buying a travel guide or an e-book.
Travel books make walking less, of course - travel can be done spontaneously by the acquisition of tips from locals that the travel books.


In view of travel books is essential when you are on a planning trip. Lacks the same time, neverto examine the pros and cons to make your trip unforgettable.

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Slavoj Zizek. Plea for ethical violence. Lesson. 2004 3 / 6

เขียนโดย Eva | 09:27

Used Zizek, a Slovenian sociologist, postmodern philosopher and cultural critic is a professor at the Institute for Sociology, Ljubljana and at the European Graduate School EGS, popular culture, to explain the theory of Jacques Lacan and the theory of Jacques Lacan to explain politics and popular culture. He was born in 1949 in Ljubljana, Slovenia, where he still lives, but has taught at universities around the world. E 'was analyzed by Jacques Alain Miller, Jacques Lacan's son ...

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HALLOWEEN at Halloween - Reliving the Michael Myers Legacy

เขียนโดย Eva | 09:22

A good way to spend a budget-friendly Halloween this year would turn into a marathon of the favorites are the eternal horror series Halloween. What's better than watching for Halloween Michael Myers hunt victim after the victim? Well, actually, this might damn lazy, when you try to sit through all the terrible sequel. Including the new version, there are now nine films, the implementation of Halloween would be entitled to collect only one of them a bad idea. You must be in the selection listbest to get a decent movie experience and fun Halloween, but they have a choice?

First up, DO NOT WATCH Halloween III: Season of the Witch. This was one of Michael Myers chronicles affair and not a function of the infamous masked killer at all, or no connections to the first two films apart from the title. Furthermore, it is usually a terrible film, with little in terms of redeeming qualities. Thus, depending on what you choose, make sure that Turkey is not among them.In fact, avoid Halloween: Resurrection. Gah. This is terrible.

The movie Halloween was a fantastic start with two films that I am honored to be right as the true classics of the horror genre. Of course, the iconic first film in the world, Michael Myers, Dr. Loomis and Laurie Strode led, and brought the genre a new anti-hero, Myers, who is also the nickname of "The Face Shape 'because of his mask cooling. Using pound camera, good sense and wise use of OIFThe lighting and music, the film was produced the first Halloween benchmark of terror for a generation, and many smaller imitators.

The film has certainly stood the test of time and still works today. The first episode, cleverly titled Halloween II was running on exactly where the first film left much to play, and as an extension of that landmark production, not just a continuation. The original cast back and continued with the carnage. While the first filmwas developed by horror legend John Carpenter Halloween II was directed by Rick Rosenthal, a relatively unknown, a great job of collecting the atmosphere and the tension has reached the Carpenter had directed.

These two would be recommended wholeheartedly, but needs third parties to round the evening. I would say, Halloween H20, the seventh of the series, the Jamie Lee Curtis returning to the role of Laurie Strode looked after 20 years away from the franchise. This article is directed by Steve Miner,actually a very good, very powerful piece of horror cinema. E 'tight and very well built, and then the first two films, creates a trilogy well. It also has a satisfactory end to the closure of some of the series is available. Unfortunately it was destroyed by the terrible eight films, but if you ignore that and put together these three films, you're in a great night of Halloween, trying not to break the bank. Halloween film franchise has produced comics, merchandise, MichaelMyers action figures, statues, and, of course, a genre all its own. With these three examples of series that will end all night. Not only films, but to test if all doors are closed. There was a man in a mask in front of the window?

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Rethinking strategy: guidance of a leader to create an innovative culture

เขียนโดย Eva | 08:02


To understand better why participates in strategic planning, I led a strategic planning session, with a Baptist church in Virginia Beach, Virginia. This project included a series of on-site meeting with the leadership in various groups and in-depth interviews. The focus was on leadership to rekindle enthusiasm for the mission and ministry and developing a strategic plan (including priorities, objectives and action plans) for future ministry. Thiswas conducted by a group of elected leadership that has worked with me in planning and managing events. This format for a high level of participation and leadership. Since time was a limiting factor, the community was able to offer a comprehensive dialogue in seeking a broader and broader mission and focus on service.

The desired outcome of the project was one of camaraderie and enthusiasm for the mission and ministry among the church leaders and vote for the renewal of 'Organizationat present, the ministries and programs in terms of leadership to determine which areas need or neglect in the life and mission of the community, develop and maintain a priority list for the community, the use of time and energy for the coming years. This Baptist church is a wallpaper to stimulate thought and dialogue on strategic planning and what changes or improvements you can make your own arrangements. I intend to identify the key elements of strategic planning,Developing tools for planning to re-invent, and describe why leaders must articulate the vision of the entire organization. I will have a leader with a way "forward" together - the recommendations for improvement and lessons learned from strategic planning of this session Baptist Church.

Find out why we engage in strategic planning

Strategic planning can occur in a variety of activities, from sporting competitions to nonprofit organizations. This paperdeals with strategic planning from the perspective of a consultant, its content for almost every application. Says Johnston (2003), "Towards an effective strategy, innovation, companies need a new process, which is managed in a creative, market-driven building Centric, heuristics (outdoor), and in the future." (P. 55). In other words, an effective strategy capable of reaching the desired goal fits well with the internal and external environment, a sustainable, competitiveProve advantageous momentum and the ability to adapt to changing situations, and in itself sufficient.

Strategic planning is about analysis whereas the strategic thinking of an effective strategic plan summary is the result of an effective strategic thinking. Strategic thinking requires intuition and imagination, which leads to an integrated perspective of society. Strategic thinking is the precursor to strategy development and results in a synthesis of new issues "from acreative process. (Sanders, 1998, p. 162). Strategic thinking creates an environment in which to identify differences in organizational values and can be eliminated. Sanders argues (1998), which is the creation of a "Futurescape" - paper or a photo of organizational factors - beginning with strategic planning "to help identify problems and issues that the management team and / or other information needed on board before the actual planning session. "(p. 130). Thestrategic plan can be effective only if the differences detected and corrected!

Keys to effective STRATEGIC PLANNING

While my group meetings, I discovered that not only the community is not involved in strategic planning, but every team leader to focus on their job independently. For example, the ministers discussed a plan for their ministry of music, the attitude of top musicians including, but not on a budget or budgetary costRequirements. In addition, the Board of Trustees an annual budget designed to reduce the payments increased to include the debt, but not for the increased need behalf of the Ministry. Neither team management involved the community in their efforts. This lack of communication would only be a budget inexcitable, the delays of the Ministry of Development, and the lack of support form the community. Strategic thinking is only possible with the participation of the entire organization. Leaders who wantSupporters to help implement the strategy need to share their strategies with their supporters and encourage them to actively seek ways in which the strategy can be achieved to propose. "The implementation of a strategy begins with the awareness and involvement of people they need to do." (Kaplan and Norton, 1996, p. 199).

Kouzes and Posner (2002) argues, "Strategic planning often spoils strategic thinking, because the causes executives to believe that the manipulation of numbers generatedimaginative look into the future and vision. "(P. 153). Strategic thinking is more a matter of managing director with a spark of inspiration that miracle working her way through a strategic plan. The goal of the process of strategic thinking is to help the managers and their managing teams, conscious decisions that result requires a strategic plan. This process will see the team work and a full commitment to great ideas come into play. It's about rightPeople who are the right issues.

The element of the environment) (internal and external direct impact on planning. "The organization needs to adapt to the environment or perish." (Sadler, 1993, p. 22). Most companies do not appear on the external dimension of their business to ignore. They devote huge efforts to optimize the internal factors that are under their control, but difficult to hear what happens outside, and make little attempt to formallyto manage part of their activities, with the exception of certain marketing activities. An essential element for the environment, external factors, most of the organizing group is taking "marketing" or evangelization for religious organizations. In addition, there are a whole range of social and political factors that may have an impact. No less important is the impact of government regulations, which can the success or failure of entire industries.

The attention, however, revolves aroundResponses and strategies of the top positions. In the case of our Baptist Church, many leaders have not had the advantages of pursuing 501 (c) (3) or non-profit certification by the Internal Revenue Service, because it is not required by law. However, others see the improvements in the ability to acquire and maintain external resources. Conflicts such as these would be simplified if the control of the organization in all the components needed for their activities. However, this is rarely the case.Organizations related to the environment through their dependence on the resources they need - not a completely separate organization. After you have created Formisano (2003), "Good Company, a system in which the new information environment, industry, or society may be updated and reviewed at regular intervals as part of the strategic plan." (P. 64).

TOOLS FOR reinvention

The tendency for many managers is dealing with the growing complexitythe functioning of an organization is to move away from the complexity of customers continue to supporters and leaders of supporters. Randall (observed 2005), "... the company will continue its work through the complexities of globalization of supply, production, engineering increase, and marketing / sales. This growing complexity makes it increasingly difficult to manage the life cycles product in an optimal way. "(p. 20).

It is easier to adapt to changing conditions in which born, and do not reactas an attempt to define the future. But what is simply a rarely possible to achieve a leadership position. How to do so, managers are beginning to overcome the culture of their creation? Sadler (1993), suggests that organizational culture must be "strategically relevant", which means it must be kept under constant review. (P. 73). Creating a culture capable of continuous change requires a rebirth of the spirit of the visionary leader. Visionary leadersfilled with the vision and the ability to concentrate on one objective, which is the focus of their efforts, the obstacles faced by them are seen as temporary, and their views in line with ideas of how the barriers they face to break. According to Haines (1995), "Strategic planning and change management has long-term from a one-way commitment of the leaders here have defended the plan." (P. 4).

Our Baptist Church has often been called into questionfor new opportunities for service, while at the same time established ideas about the effectiveness and importance of the ministries. The whole situation was confusing and sometimes frustrating. One of the ways that companies can demonstrate their purpose and direction is to make the planning process. "The identification of business opportunities for the strategy of innovation is a process that can be done in any company willing to make the commitment." (Johnston, 2003, p. 70). ThisProcess is a journey, working in an organization to its core values and beliefs, define its vision and future direction.

The impact of technological change is an important factor in developing a strategic plan. "For a strategy demands that we examine how technology is our business: the impact of products, services, processes and investments." (Formisano, 2003, p. 55). The direct impact of new technologies on organizations can immediately apparent. However,Managers are involved in short-term problems, so you can not see the wider perspective, the future and makes them blind to determine the obvious. Like the less obvious or structural social changes created by new technology. The technology is compatible with its larger implications, such as travel to smaller organizations, economies of scale. "In larger companies, she moved to a different effect, encouraging horizontal communication (via e-mail)organization from the traditional vertical (hierarchical), and in this process is the creation of new structures.

The ability to use knowledge to create important strategic partnerships, flexibility in creating new relationships and bring their products and services on the market offers organizations an advantage over competitors. "The partnership in which two or more companies working together to achieve a particular purpose, or can be used to achieve common business goals, agrowth strategy for successful companies in fast-growing track. "(Sherman, 2002, p. 475). There are the organizational relationships, constant attention and care - legal, requiring alliances, competition, technology, and a few names. 'S leader requires an understanding of the relationships that define the nature and boundaries of these relationships. positive relationships increases an organization's ability to deal with conflicts.


Many errors VisionInstructions for mission statements. They are fundamentally different. Mission describes the purpose or broader goal of existence or in business. It acts as a guide in times of uncertainty, ambiguity. It's like a lighthouse. There is no time. The mission can remain the same for decades, if properly prepared. While the vision is more specific in terms of target and time frame of benefits is linked to some form of benefits in case of success. In the case ofOur Baptist Church, the vision is clearly visible and always said - published on the website of the church, printed in the weekly bulletins, and occasionally read aloud during worship. But it was not integrated into the church of "Doing Business". By this I mean that the task of leadership, various ministries and especially front-line leader (assistant co-ordinator) should be to support the global vision of the Church. To be truly effective,organizational point of view must be assimilated into the culture of the organization. Pale (2005) "Through an active vision of the inner workings of your company and its culture, you can objectively see the unique strengths and values related to the company when it might be terrible compared to the aggressive competition."

Leaders have a responsibility to create the communication of the vision regularly stories that illustrate the vision, and whenRole models by embodying the vision, creating short-term goals encourage each other, in line with the vision and for others, his own personal vision compatible with an overall view of trade.


Formisano, R. (2003). Manager's Guide to Strategy. Blacklick, OH: McGraw-Hill Trade.

Haines, Stephen G. (1995). Success of strategic planning. Menlo Park, CA: Course Technology Crisp.

Johnston, RE (2003). Power strategy innovation: a new way ofLinking creativity and strategic planning to discover great business opportunities. Saranac Lake, NY: Amacom.

Kaplan, RS and Norton, DP (1996). The Balanced Scorecard: translating strategy into action. Boston, Mass.: Harvard Business School Press.

Kouzes, James M. and Posner, Barry Z. (2002). The Leadership Challenge. Third ed. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass books.

Paley, N. (2005). He manages to win. London, UK: Thorogood. On June 5, 2006, from

Randall, R. (editor). (2005). Innovation. Bradford, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited. On June 5, 2006, from

Sadler, P. (1993). Strategic Management. Milford, CT: Kogan Page, Limited.

Sanders, TI (1998). Strategic thinking and the new science: planning in the midst of chaos, complexity and change management. New York, NY: The Free Press.

Sherman, A.(2002). To Grow Fast Track Business Growth: Smart Strategies, without derailing. Washington, DC: Kiplinger Books.

Smith, Ronald D. (2004). Strategic planning for public relations. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Incorporated.

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What is pop culture and trends influence the election?

เขียนโดย Eva | 06:35

In recent days, made a presidential candidate called on the unions, soldiers, farmers, industrialists and a long list of joint customers. Today, candidates compete for the electorate of gays, the MTV generation, supporters and opponents of abortion in the melee of other emerging social groups.

We think this speaks volumes about who governs, but we want to be honest, this also means more governments. When people get what they want, they can be lethal, as when a dictator gets whatwant, depending on the social climate of the day.

Unknown number of people, such as the new millennium looked and saw them, although many were skeptical prognosticators see if the predictions of pessimists too zealous and experienced have been rectified.

If not global catastrophe has come, and Christ is not on a cloud, with the armies of heaven does not return, which received just relax back with a vengeance. Now real social change will not be disturbed bya higher power to interfere or the God of creation.

Appeared after the events of 9 / 11 the country a bit 'more modest. Commentators and news people were talking about New Yorkers who now actually be seen directly in the eye when talking about you. One was a lot less swearing in everyday language and hearing random kindness were common. What about all this?

When Moses gave the people the Ten Commandments and the laws of hygiene, etiquette and moralityPlease refer to the years for ways to circumvent them or to apply. From the moment the Lord appeared to them the laws so perverse, that Christ most of his time with the Pharisees, for correction, for his portrayal of Moses, passed laws twisted.

Forget waiting for the end of a millennium, the ancient Israelites, did not wait a couple of days. While Moses was always decided by the Ten Commandments to the people that it takes too long and perhaps Moses was dead. (Exodus 32) TheyEnd, the high priest Aaron, who worship a golden calf.

The only reason to repeat history, because it can be increased, while the knowledge of human nature remains the same. As for the second coming of Jesus Christ and the apostles warned that people a golden calf, each time when the promises looked as though they would never have met you choose.

Jesus said, "But it was like the days of Noah, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man will come. For in those dayswere before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day Noah entered the ark, and knew not until the flood came and took them all away, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man. Mt 24: 37-39

The Apostle Peter says the prevailing attitude of the people just before the second coming said, "you know the first thing that will be in the last days scoffers, walking after their own passions and saying: Where is the promise of his? Coming Though the fathers fell asleep, everything remains as before ... "2. (Peter 3:3, 4)

It is said that we remind ourselves what we want, but in reality we consider what we are. What will the people and what they want, requires a leader who is on the same page. And 'demonstrated that America mourns for a leader of that time. But what are these days?

God and his prophet is not hindered acceptable descriptions of the time. God and his prophets of the pastPresent and future are all in the same flat fee. God knows everything, and he shows her. You need us, the people, whether one believes or not be known. This prophecy has already written the history of the reign of the Prophet.

Sad as it is not the better future and better for our country or the world. Humans will continue to call for church leaders who meet both the status quo and trends of the moment. You will get what he wants.

In the eighth chapter of IsaiahSamuel, the prophet is warning the people to govern their choice of a king over them, like surrounding states have the will to bring much suffering. God had everything they needed for life and victory over enemies, but it would be a king. You chose the head and shoulders above the rest was. Would have given the best part and the rhetoric of the best ... Saul

E 'was the Rubicon, which Israel has sealed the fate for the coming years. God told Samuel to give people whatbecause they wanted to reject the prophets, who had rejected him.

Today in the United States we have candidates who claim to have a connection with God, but on closer inspection, you can only connect to a religion. The difference is enormous. When Jesus said, as the distinction is not enough to see what really stand for them, then we can all inspectors of fruit. "Ye shall know them by their fruits ..." (Matthew 7:16)

The fruits of ignorance about the business of abortion is the deathof millions of innocent children. The fruit is the agenda of gays and lesbians put on a scale with race or religion, are flirting with the decision imminent.

N. beating of a sermon just this reminder to all of America ... "There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end they are the ways of death." Proverbs 14:12

Election in the United States is one of the most interesting things in America. Other nations with leaders who can not get stuck or electionsare ready, but we have a pretty good system here. And 'necessary for us, our decisions with wisdom and prudence for the future of our own.

Nobody can tell us who is for and endorsements or criticism, despite the voice vote is always a matter of conscience. Choose wisely America!

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Gangster library books should carry

เขียนโดย Eva | 22:19

You like gangster books or the book cover? Are you interested in books about gangsters, history, takes in the ghetto to say? There are a lot of authors who have books or interesting gangster ghetto. There are some new authors who have written to a new level. As an author named Join Here, he adopts the approach of Steven King in the hood and rejuvenated with the Christian intellectual world. I never thought that would work, but things horror and spirituality can coexistwith books of gangsters. Join The book's new gangster called "Dead Soul, The Realest history that has ever lived."

Other writers are realizing that the reading should be the most convincing your favorite TV show. If the writers of fiction for readers attention then they have to recognize that television is expected to hold, is an important part of their competition. Why should a student read one of the many prospective Gee (gangster) books, if they could watch a movie? Gee books have an increase in commodity prices since theBook industry, but still struggling with the television, is more for the escalation.

Gee books by people like Terri Woods (Dutch Angel's Revenge II) and fathers, as Donald Goings (Black Girl Lost) stay on top of the gangster Books Friends list. Books Gee, more romance and love between the clubs, as readers will always find that these books were noted for the industry pounds gangster. Writers such as Zane have a place in the field with one ofmy favorite gangster pounds as "nervous." Who reads one of the great gangster books can be read only barely. Works by these gangsters are highly addictive and very intriguing, because in a ghetto, which they admit that most people are afraid.

I think I know why people Gee more books because they are so interested to read in black culture. I think it's acceptable, I'm black and I was forced to cover the white with my training. When I sayEducation, I think my upbringing in the south. The company has laid people like Christopher Columbus to George Washington's face, while the suppression of people like Charles Drew do. It 'just that white people know our culture and our history, taking place at this time our books, entertainment, sports, and now our president. Gee books can be educational, if you know in the ghetto, by an imaginary journey are interested in the hood.

Here is a list ofBooks that will not disappoint the more than 10 kilos of the best ghetto gangsters or hands. (In order of importance)

1). "Dead Soul, The Realest Story that has ever existed" by Lo Join
2.) "The Candy Shop" by Kiki Swinson
3.) "Sexin & Flexin" of K'wan Foye
4.) "Dutch II, Angel's Revenge" by Terri Woods
5.) "Dying for Revenge by Eric Jerome Dickey
6). "Playa Haters" by Carl Weber
7). "The novel Nervous" by Zane
8.) "A Project Chick" by Nikki Turner
9). BuckFifty "by Saga
10). "Hustler" by Henry Williamson

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Terence McKenna: Open Doors Pt.3

เขียนโดย Eva | 10:15

the Amazon basin. With his brother Dennis, he is the author of The Invisible Landscape and Psilocybin: Magic Mushroom Grower's Guide '. A study on the impact of psychotropic plants on human culture and development of the food of the gods was recently published by Bantam, a collection of essays and interviews, the archaic revival soon followed by Harper San Francisco. Recently, a group of discursive trialogues chat at the Edge of the West, with mathematician Ralph Abraham ...

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Doing business in the United Kingdom - Culture, Customs and Etiquette

เขียนโดย Eva | 00:04

The United Kingdom (UK) consists of four countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. It 'important not only aware of these geographical differences, but also the strong sense of identity and nationalism felt by the population of these four countries.

The English words "and" British "are not interchangeable. Designation by the British "someone from England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. 'English' refers to people from England. They are people from Scotlandcalled "Scottish". People from England are likely to be called is not bad "to take English," while a Welsh, Scottish or a person in Northern Ireland.

Cultural diversity

Formerly a very homogeneous society, since the War, Britain has become increasingly diverse, as it hosted large immigrant. The mixture of ethnicities and cultures make it seem difficult to define, or the British role in a certain way. People like to keep the British andmay be the cultural heritage of their ancestors, while others more than anyone else, the British can trace his lineage to the 5th Century. The fact that the nation is now a favorite dish curry summarizes the cultural mix that is modern day Britain.

Doing business in Great Britain

The British are rather formal. Many of the older generation still prefer to use people and companies they know or who are known to work on their staff. Operators of small businesses do not needlong personal relationships before conducting business with people and do not need a broker-to-business introductions to make. However, the networking and relationship building are often the key to long-term business success.

Rank and employers would respect and not deal with people at their level. If possible, an elder statesman of your team, as he / she is the aura of authority that is necessary for good business relationships are, at present manyCompany.

British communication style

The British have an interesting mix of style of communication, both understatement and direct communication. Many older farmers or those who work heavily on the class "top" in a formal application of the protocol established. Most British are masters of understatement and not use extravagant language. If nothing else, have a strong tendency to their statements in question as "maybe" or "might be. When communicating withPeople who consider themselves equal rank and class, the British direct, but modest. When you communicate informally with someone who knows them well, their style more, even if they are still confidential.


Punctuality is a very British. E 'particularly important in business situations. In most cases the people who will take you to be punctual. Always call if you are also only 5 minutes later than agreed. If you always wait a few minutes, do notan issue of it.

How are the meetings, it is often determined by the composition of visitors. If everyone on the same level, there is usually a free flow of ideas and opinions. If there is a higher-ranking person in the room that the person who is speaking the most. In general, the more formal meetings and always have a clearly defined purpose, the may include an agenda. This is a short conversation before the business at hand. If youa presentation, avoid making exaggerated claims. Make sure you like your presentation and all materials provided professional and well thought out. Be ready to take your claims with facts and figures. The British rely on facts, but emotions, make decisions. Maintain eye contact and a few feet of personal space. Following a meeting, send a letter together, what has been decided and taken a step forward.

Tips for the basic label:

Business Dress

* BusinessDress is conservative.

* Men should have a dark color, wear conservative suits.

* Women should wear a dress or business suit or a conservative.


* Shake hands with everyone in a meeting on arrival.

* Maintain eye contact when greeting.


* Only the doctors and the clergy use their professional or academic in the economy.

* Most people use the courtesy title or Mr., Mrs. or Miss and theirSurname. (Spouses are words in the United Kingdom and did not need time to find out how they are not abbreviations.)

* If someone has been knighted, are accepted as "Sir", followed by their name or "Sir", with only the name.

* Wait before a first name basis invited. Persons under the age of 35 years, which can move faster British elderly.


* Business cards are exchanged during the initial introductionwithout formal ritual.

* The card can be taken only with a quick glance.


* Business gift-giving, not part of the corporate culture.

* If you give a gift, make sure it is small and tasteful.

* Good things are desk accessories, a paperweight with your company logo or a book on your country of origin.

* Someone inviting for a meal can be considered as a gift.

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Authors @ Google: Christopher McDougall

เขียนโดย Eva | 00:04

The Authors @ Google program welcomed Christopher McDougall Google's New York office to discuss his book, "Born To Run". From The Washington Post: "This book flows like a race, but as a race through an obstacle course. McDougall carves its way through the history and physiology of operation, occasionally wandering into mini-profiles of top-tier drivers and doctors, the outsourcing of tangents on how the legendary race Leadville Trail 100 Ultramarathon, while always starts ...

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What is literature for children?

เขียนโดย Eva | 12:01

It may seem strange to think that there is a question of what appears to be a children's book for many, after all this as a question with an obvious answer. A children's book was, however, created for children. However, Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain is one of the books are considered classics of children's literature was originally intended for adults and in fact received some interpretation of the past because of censorship, as applicable to children. TheTales of the Brothers Grimm, although originally written for adults, but if bought for the children. This situation of children to take what you have for a book for adults has led to many problems. After the whole society complains that the history is not suitable for children, and make this kind of attack. In addition, a children's book would not cause social problems. But we always seem to many books to examine the childrenLiterature.

Why has written books for adults books for children? Or at least read pounds of children. Though it is perhaps impossible to list all the reasons for this situation, I would be three theories about the ways in which they may occur.

The first reason is that a book offers a fantastic reality, a fictional story, Kids, like the stories in this, and so for any reason, it is assumed that this fantasy is in the field of literature for children. This could for example be the case of Gulliver's Travels, and of course the Grimm Fairy Tales. In different ways, I would say it is sad that, if history is a fun and imaginative, it will automatically be in the realm of children removed. Not that children and young people is lower, is in fact superior to that fantasy in many ways, he has created for adults helped. Rather, it is sad that adults do not assume that the creative genius is no longer worth their time.

Another reason, one> Book may be, children's literature is that there is a child, for whatever reason, a minor character makes people assume that a child should be read as if they were the only ones who can put in relation to a child. This is a ridiculous of course we, where all children and close to all those in which the books written by intelligent adults.

The last reason I would suggest is that many books and works of art are intended for adults to children as a means to extend theiror reach an extension of their lives. That is, for example, because the works of Jane Austen is in the literature of the Department for children in the library with a little 'charm.

This still does not answer the question of what children's literature. Part of the problem in this case it may be that we have not really defined the problem, have a comprehensive answer big questions. The question may be what parents should read to their children, or what should teachers and students of childrenTo study the literature to know the impact of literature on children? The first question the answer is in relation to the convictions of parents and their children's reactions to things. If a parent does not believe that if their child something so children's literature should not be suspended for the child. This definition, of course, makes the whole field of children's books very difficult, because there are so many different opinions on what the children to an acceptableread.

But this problem would be the question to ask, is the purpose of the study definition of children's literature to help people and help parents choose their children that the books can be read? In this case study, to children's literature that include all books, reading regularly to children. After all, the purpose of this study is to find out what is acceptable to read, and what impact these readings for children, as will be seen as ways to improve future books. To this end,effectively all the books that children read to be included.
Part of the difficulty, of course, with the provision of children's literature is that there is some debate about which are children.

Believed by all the different cultures sometimes have a lot of different things for children. However, I would emphasize that this is just in itself, the point is children in different ways by different cultures involved. It is therefore a definition of culture, one that can answer our societyand change. Certainly it is difficult for people to accept this idea, and for many the idea that culture determines its role is tantamount to prejudice, but when it comes to the definition of a state and the impact that we have indeed looked cultural variables. One can assume, for example, that a book of photos by the Impressionist style, with the reasoning of Sweden and have the same impact on American would, because they are Japanese or Sweden. Culture is what determinesthe role literature plays in our lives, is a cultural definition of what was the thing to define. Other cultures accept a definition of what defines the child and not otherwise prejudice.

In American culture, this definition of child labor in a way that built the minors at the age of 18 years, but not all are considered in these age groups of children to say, they are teenagers, pre-teens, elementary school, kindergarten, children and more. However, as a societyWe must define these groups and understood as a desire to improve their demographic definitions of companies have to start them. The argument that culture is often wrong is a mute point, as literature is a social construct many of the emotions and effects on the environment, you can.

Children's literature then, according to my definition and the definition which is located on this site is literature that have a direct impact with the reading of a fairly decentPopulation such as children's culture is dead.
Or, in the case of cross-cultural analysis of such effects extend up to the age of culture with older children or determines the definition of greater than themselves. Why? Since in many cases, especially those of children, where the historic rather than young adults, but if we are differences in effect between the 8-year-olds we need to compare the two types of study of 8 years. It 'important to emphasize that thisnot a means to a cultural definition of another, is only one research study to help build the literature, so we can better understand, pushing its implications.

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HOME (in English) with subtitles

เขียนโดย Eva | 11:56

from the richest to the poorest, can make a contribution. Lesotho, one of the poorest countries in the world, is in proportion to one that invests most in the training of people. Opened in Qatar, one of the richest countries, has, to the best universities. Culture, education, research and innovation is an inexhaustible resource. Faced with the misery and suffering that millions of NGOs to demonstrate that solidarity among peoples is the selfishness of nations. In Bangladesh, the thought of a man who ...

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Chasing Chickens build a better culture

เขียนโดย Eva | 23:33

A company of technology and large distributors joined as a business partner of the banking market to serve.

But both companies were so proud of their skills and the reports are finished working for the other, rather than ensuring all the new company.

The head of the dealer finally called his colleagues at the technology company and said, "I'd rather see our people compete by pursuing getting chickens hunting than in any other way the sameCustomers! "

To his great surprise, said his colleague: "You're on. Let's do it!"

Two weeks later, set up, the sales forces of both companies in a large open space will be. One hundred birds were released and the race enters chicken 'stock' on!

Net result: Technology Company - 33 chickens. Large distributors - 32 chickens. The other 35 chickens escaped.

Everyone has the message. After this extraordinary event, working on both sides closer to capturingtotal market.

Key Learning Point

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

Building a culture of partnership requires more than trade agreements. You need a mind set of people to cultivate.

Action Steps

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What activities memorable cultural buildings you lately? What do you do? What I remember are the consequences of the bond and camaraderie is created?

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Phase 3, Section 10 - (Phase 3)

เขียนโดย Eva | 11:28

Viewers expect a level of proactive and inshallah all of us. Another innovative and riveting series from the creators of the arrival and the divine book. Step 3 is to establish a new standard for movies online. This production will be (inshallah) wake up in the world and unites people of every nationality, religion, culture or religion against injustice. Film by the people for the people. Phase 3 is a film WakeUpProject composed of 5 chapters. Director: Noreaga & Achernahr video ...

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Austin Texas Book Festival

เขียนโดย Eva | 22:55

Testifies to festivals like South by Southwest and Austin City Limits Festival City's reputation as the Live Music Capital of the World, the Texas Book Festival is proof that Austin, a hotbed of creativity in the literary world. Founded by Laura Bush in 1995, has grown into an event of national importance, with over two thousand authors, local, national and international, in twelve years of its existence. Exciting, fun, music andEducation is the all-ages event is considered one of the first literary events in the country.

Mainly located in the Capitol, is a festival every fall, drawing upwards of 40,000 spectators in panels of joy, concerts, events and other activities of the House and Senate Chambers, as well as tents and stages on the great lawn of the Capitol grounds built . Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and other high-profile politicos have given KeynoteAddresses and the end of Governor Ann Richards was a regular well. Kay Bailey Hutchison, Jim Lehrer, and Roy Blount Jr., and other notables have made appearances as well.

A variety of topics will be represented at the festival, with food, mysteries, biographies, photographs, retrospectives, magazines devoted to journalism, and many other topics. Style of life "discussions" host tent and activities, including parents, wineries, bird watching, garden and art.

In accordance with theThe interests and expectations of Austinites, stressed that the festival was a high level of entertainment and music, a tent devoted to musical performances throughout the festival and events on satellite-hosting sites, including the legendary Continental Club. Concert best musicians on the steps of the Capitol in Austin instead. Musicians, writers like Joe Ely read their works, as well as those who write books about musicians, including Kathleen Hudson and Joe Nick Patoski.

OtherAspects of the entertainment world are also well represented. Actors, including Eli Wallach and Marlee Matlin were issued, and "Top Chef" host Padma Lakshmi offered demonstrations of cooking for exotic recipes. Food and cooking are also lighted, with a large tent with kitchen and cookery books and return their examinations of food culture.

Texas Book Festival has raised over two million dollars for public libraries in Texas, and their commitment toChildren clear. With a tent to authors for children between one and entertainment for children, and children's activities is devoted, this festival is an ideal way to combine books and reading with fun and exciting event. Times can successfully throughout the festival and the activities of hula dance, puppet shows, drawing, and sing-alongs are. If the authors are children in town for the festival, which often take part in "Reading Rock Stars," an affiliation that brings thempublic schools to read their works.

Event in mind when Austin, Texas Book Festival is a lively, creative and challenging in the literary world, both at local and national levels to explore.

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Book Review-Tales from the Detroit Tigers Dugout by Jack Ebling

เขียนโดย Eva | 10:54

In many ways you can read the history of America, soccer fields, written in the dust of the infield or the chalk from the baseline. Good for lazy days of summer, with its slow pace and offers a wide range of appropriate statistics (his fans during the offseason, Baseball America is a unique blend of action, reflection and controversy so-called "Rhubarb" in line with amusement the national language). And in this, the game reflects the culture strange, that she gave birth.

Forthose whose appreciation of sport does not extend beyond the boundaries of the City of New York or Boston, a book about a team of province could equally appealing as a trip to East Coast intellectuals, Wal-Mart to talk to the crowd. But plans for those with a passion for the traditions and wisdom of the Great American Pastime, Tales from the Detroit Tigers Dugout is a welcome and intriguing glimpse into one of the team's oldest and most successful in baseball history. Rapid andestablish written, the book will inspire and enlighten fans of Tiger fans around the world.

As reported by the author, had in recent years, the Motown team of hard times before. Tiger fans had begun to limit the time between the teams winning seasons for decades as a measure of a team record of 119 losses in 2003. But caution in these dark times, was behind the scenes planning has already laid the groundwork for the year 2006, the new team-emergence in the top layer of Major League Baseball.And it is the book of legends of the past and a hint of future glory full, giving baseball fans the promise of glory in the coming years.

Although often ignored by sports journalists from major cities, legends Tiger among the brightest and most revered names in the sport. Ty Cobb, for example, was probably the best player ever put on a baseball field, walking, and probably the worst and most despicable human being always a baseball uniform. But other TigersWere sent almost, but often overshadowed by their colleagues worked most publicized of the coast. Hank Greenberg, Charlie Gehringer, Al Kaline and other Hall of Fame put off-field class and brilliance in the field of play. As the author notes, is its contribution to the history of the franchise is not lost for students or fans of the real game. Although, like other stars have Cooperstown, for his timeless talent is often overshadowed by the high salaries and egos bigger than todaylesser stars, fans of all ages and of all ages will enjoy the stories of how and why baseball is in Detroit, with the game that the treasures of American culture has grown together.

All Americans love an underdog, someone who can increase from nothing and soldiers over adversity. Win or lose, it's something about the struggles of the common man who speaks to the heart of America, gives us hope for ourselves and our future. A book about baseball not solve the problemsWorld hunger or global terrorism, but the magic of sport to unite people through shared adventure into a world where conflicts are resolved in protected through teamwork and commitment. And remember through the sharing of some of the hopes and dreams of a long suffering and emerging team sports, Tales from the Detroit Tigers Dugout us that miracles are everywhere around us. We just have our eyes and hearts to open the magic, and can sport a smile, to bring our souls, no matter whatHappens in the rest of the world.

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Florence, Italy - a combination of history and culture

เขียนโดย Eva | 22:25

Florence is the Renaissance city. In the rich history and beautiful buildings, architecture, art and Florence is home to some of the great cultural heritage of the world. This makes it one of the most visited cities in the culture. Many people come to Florence for the charm and beauty.

It is better to come to Florence in April, June and September-October. They are less tourist months. December is also a good time for a visit. Ita little 'cold, but the city offers great weather and fewer crowds of people flocked to attractions. During this time you can actually take a walk to Florence and enjoy the Renaissance city.


From this point of reference of Florence, the beautiful 600-church year, officially called Santa Maria del Fiore. Built by Filippo Brunelleschi, the cathedral dome is richly decorated with frescoes and ceilings, beautiful stain glass. If you continue to walk a short distance, you seeRefer to the Campanile tower, which was partly designed by Giotto.

Palaces Galore

If you're heading south from the Cathedral, you can splendid Palazzo del Borgo on Albizi Pazzi removed. You can go into the yard and wander. All guests feel as if they were transported back in time. When you move on others, you can Borgello Palace, which is now a museum. More information is located at the Palazzo Borghese, which is old and in generalFiorentina.

Palazzo della Signoria

Even as the Palazzo Vecchio, the Uffizi, or holds his corner office at the center of Florentine government and civil administration until now. At its center is the famous Loggia dei Lanzi, in which the city's most historical and political changes. In this city Giuliano Medici was wounded by the Pazzi family, rival and Lorenzo de 'Medici was killed. This event led to almost complete eradication ofPazzi as punishment. This is also the place where the extremist burnt at the stake, Girolamo Savonarola, and Michelangelo's David standing.

Shopping in Santa Croce, Piazza della Signoria in Florence and surroundings - If you've had enough of sightseeing, you can end your visit here and start your shopping spree. Whether shopping in Florence is not shopping, you can reach Venice or Milan, the same is still a great experience. You can find great here, from art to music. InPiazza della Signoria, there are shops which Cheba art or modern art in Florence and photo gallery of the Brancolini Grimaldi in Santa Croce.

Since Florence is the location of books like "Room with a View and Hannibal, has a good number of bookstores that sell books, not only foreigners but also books. There are a number of libraries, located in every corner, but there are better libraries in Piazza del Duomo and Santa Maria Novella, as well. Italian ChoiceDesigner shoes and bags, and clothes can also be found in the city. Florence will choose stores that can only be in Italy.

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Authors @ Google: Jill Denner

เขียนโดย Eva | 10:22

Jill Denner visits Google in Mountain View, CA headquarters to discuss in their book "Beyond Barbie and Mortal Kombat: New Perspectives on Gender and Gaming". This event took place January 26, 2009, as part of the Authors @ Google series. As it intersects with the kind of game? Diversity can play more employees in the technology? Beyond Barbie and Mortal Kombat examines how gender intersects the culture of today's gaming, massively multiplayer online game, reader-generated ...

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Book Review - Coyote Jack, Jack Lyndon Thomas

เขียนโดย Eva | 21:38

An important role, relevant Memoir of Vietnam veteran

"Coyote Jack", written by Jack Lyndon Thomas shows a startling vision of the soul of a man. Thomas grew up in a time of profound changes in values, respect for authority and a redefinition of patriotism. Thomas had a sensitivity and understanding of human needs, emotional, mental and physical. This book speaks of thousands of people, their land was the brave, in a matter of ideals questionable.

The authorhas become more vulnerable as he told the complex issues of personal discovery in parallel by his experiences in Vietnam, with the reconciliation of his personal search for contentment and creative expression.

Thomas described a comprehensive understanding and culture of Vietnam to try to understand the politics and religion of the country and his appreciation for the natural features of the landscape and topography of the landscape. Described in words of poetryBeauty of the peasants who lived in rural areas.

The author went on to describe the leadership ineffective, the ill-defined goals and objectives of the leaders of the country. He said the internal conflict he felt the center of the conflict outside registered a round. This has often been attributed to the lack of a solid support and implementation of policies and the man in the street in the United States.

I particularly liked the deep poems and statementsintroduce each chapter. Part II of the book with colorful maps and beautiful photographs awakened all my senses, culture, land and people that influenced the life of young Jack Lyndon Thomas through his experience in Viet Nam.

Thomas is a talented, creative, articulate. This is a remarkable account of a period of history of the United States must be reconsidered and be understood. "Coyote Jack" is a book for every veteran, every soldier andWomen currently serving our country and for everyone in a position of leadership, influence decisions were made in planning our country's current military strategy.

As revised by Midwest Book Review

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Amitabha Thangka - Art Indian Culture

เขียนโดย Eva | 16:19

've Played the knowledge of Indian culture, the emotions in art, culture, emotions, feelings and religious beliefs, an important role? Want to know how India is the future, in this framework the world in which every religion has its artistic culture buried in some areas of the country? If you do not know, then this article, you will witness one of the most important artistic cultures in India ...

- Do you know what is Amitabha Buddha? Is nothing but the true BuddhaWho owns the infinite light.

Amitabha Thangka is heard no more than the presentation of the wealth wordy Buddha.

Thangka show how the Buddha used to sit in his palace called Sukhavati, where he displays his hands as if he's sitting in meditation and also holds a bowl of Monaco Buddhist.

The shell is the representation of the true good and peace.

Thangka paintings are of great significance for the Buddhist community.

The flags are beautifully paintedappears at the temple, most of the time and place the most important Buddhist procession through the community.

The definition of "Thang" is a flat surface and "Thangka" is painting, which takes place on a flat surface.

These types of scrolling images that literally, which are made on a flat surface, and can be easily rolled up when it should not be displayed.

Famous thangka painters have never been to the tailors, who have created their noteParentheses.

Thangka paintings are mainly in the areas of 'India, where Buddhism is. Dharmashala has many Tibetan people and is the center, where Thangka produced colors.

It is also produced in the western side, where nothing of Amitabha Thangka more than just a form of decorative art for many years.

However, it is time people to change the view to Amitabha Thangka literally, because the west side is a slow and steady knowledge of Buddhist philosophy.

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Kyoto, Japan -5 fantastic things to do, which blends traditional Japanese culture with the modern miracle

เขียนโดย Eva | 16:09

The Japanese company, with a fascinating mix of old and new, one of the many reasons to visit Japan and learn Japanese culture and history.

One of the most popular destinations is Japan Kyoto, an ancient city that was lucky to have escaped the bombing during the Second World War. Its architectural splendor has survived and the story of Kyoto visually relax before my eyes.

Kyoto, the ancient capital of Japan is known for its wealth ofShrines and temples. There are so many that you need more leave if they wanted to visit all.

And why is doing so many different things, you should be very selective in planning your itinerary.

Maybe you want to enjoy exploring the region and to absorb the history of Kyoto, is on a bike or walk.

The train station in Kyoto, Japan

Ironically, if you arrive by train, the first image that is shown in this ancient city to a modernFramework.

The station is located in Kyoto, Japan is huge and worth exploring in itself. If you take the escalator upstairs to the top you will go through the roof-level and a spectacular view over the city from the scene.

This is the most important link of the railway in Japan, was inaugurated in 1997.

Within the 15-story complex is also home to a shopping mall, a hotel, a department store and a cinema.

And yes, there is also a heliport.

If you travelon a budget you can easily find numerous recreational facilities.

The ryokan Pensions

The Ryokan Guest House, which are very popular, shows the traditional side of Kyoto in Japan.

They make tatami flooring and shoji screen doors, true icons of Japanese culture.

Their furniture is simple, but comfortable.

There are also a number of other guest houses, hostels and cheap hotels for business travelers and tourists.


Toji Temple was to see the top of any list of things to win.

E 'tallest wooden structure in Japan and is the largest pagoda in Japan, all on the site.

Nijo Castle

Nijo Castle is one of the best examples of a castle in Japan and in Kyoto, Japan.

The castle consists of a large trench covers, gardens, two tea houses, buildings and cherry trees.

Nijo Castle was completed almost 400 years ago, was in 1626 andthe city in 1939 data.

The Kyoto International Manga Museum

The Kyoto International Manga Museum is one of the more unusual attractions you might want to visit.

The museum houses a collection of 200,000 comics.

Realize that the manga comics are a central element of Japanese culture, and you see just because they became popular in the West as well, but also because you might want to read some of them to visit the museum can eat.

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Find happiness culture

เขียนโดย Eva | 16:01

What is culture?

Culture is often defined as a set of procedures and activities assigned to a specific group of people of a certain importance. This often refers to forms of art, dance, music, rituals, and other performance parameters.

But what people often misattribute the term "culture" is a geographical or racial connotation. It is true that many of the cultures of the past, a great amount of importance to the region in which the> Culture is created, or ethnicity and religion of the Creator, but the culture is not always exclusively in this way.

Cultural misunderstandings

In today's world, especially in Western societies, culture often extends beyond the boundaries often associated. And when people tend to believe, the cultures that exist are only those with links religious, regional or ethnic, is not the case.

There are a number of false assumptions about peopleCulture. It 'very important to understand what is really the culture, because culture is an essential part of human happiness.

1 culture of race or ethnicity Determined

In truth, you can not define race in terms of country of origin. Race refers only to guide the skin color and how it is perceived by others. So race has nothing to do with culture because it has nothing to do with the staffBackground.

Ethnicity actually relates to their cultural background, however, is the meaning of the term most moved the reference to a nationality. Such as race, nationality, has very little to do with culture, as in previous centuries. Immigration and globalization are making it possible for people to share their cultural practices across regional boundaries. This allows people to exercise or convert to cultures outside the country of origin.

Some culturesThere is no specific origin, which means that there are no limits where it can be practiced. For example, employees of businessmen have their own culture, as well as agricultural workers. These cultures can be found all over the world.

2. Equals Culture Religion

Many Jewish traditions and cultural practices and spiritual. Many other religions also have a cultural basis. However, a tradition, such as prayer / meditation is common inhow many different religions and secular cultures. Then there is a tradition as the emerging goth subculture, which have no connection to a religious practice. Religion can be a compliment to civilization, but both can from others as independent.

3. Their culture is defined at birth

This goes back the idea that the culture of nationality or religion related. Create a heritage and background, but can not be decisive in the final culture.The culture is very similar to religion that they can be chosen as well as abandoned, although there are some species that are more exclusive. Christianity is often passed down for generations, but a Christian, traditions, you can convert to another religion, if he or she chooses. Conversely, some sects of Hinduism, for example, are, by definition, created by birth.

4. A person can identify with a culture

This is just wrong. In fact, most peopleable to identify with more than one culture. This is because every culture is first and foremost, as a rule, with a particular aspect of life connected. This can become a religion, profession, age, nationality or any number of other issues. For example, you can change a part of Catholic culture and, simultaneously, a part of American culture. While many people tend to have a culture that, in their opinion the most important in their lives.

5.Cultural practices are rigid and unchanging

Every culture has different properties. Some are very strict and some are open. ) The main religions (Christianity, Judaism and Islam have all the texts, the faith, the synthesis and the ideology of each. Many ancient cultures, like having a computer or a director of Hollywood movies, with no rules or specific expectations, but practitioners of these crops is largely the same points of view andIdeals.

Why culture is important

Culture is important to live a successful life and happy, because it provides us with confidence. It allows us to others who share our core values for the presidency, and we show that such beliefs are valid, there are others who are of the same opinion. Culture can also make sense or meaning in our lives.

Many people are afraid of the word "culture" as related to religion or tends to implySpirituality. We are afraid of a culture, because (the religion or its absence), it could endanger already owned. However, your religion is not the culture more important in your life. Can determine the culture's most important group of people to whom he or she is the best. Think about the activities that you disconnect from your life. Think of living, which is much appreciated. This could be yourFamily, your religion, your hobbies, profession, etc. The aspects of your life that you will be loved more than likely help you find what you are connected to the culture more.

Finding one's own culture and its better integration into your life, you can get a better sense of where you want to be and what you achieve in your life. The moments that pass immersed in your culture is usually the happiest moments of your life. So thereTheir culture is necessary to find happiness.

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