Nine Strategies For Building an Exceptional Culture

เขียนโดย Eva | 03:17

Recently, I experienced a service for all aspects when I left some clothes in a hotel in New York visiting my family. Although I, as within two hours checking out of the hotel, I was told that the clothing could not be found. A few days later, when I spoke with General Manager of the hotel and asked if he was with the housekeeper, he said it was no longer there. "We were stealing from our guests," said the CEO. Huh. As a general manager would be, what have youdone in this situation? This manager cited the hotel company policy, said: "We are not responsible for items left in our hotel." Who wants to hear? Needless to say, the hotel lost a customer.

Unfortunately, a negative customer experience is more the norm than the exception in many companies. To stay on the market, you can not just good customer service, you have exceptional customer service. As author Jim Collins says: "Good is the enemy of great." Studiesshow that the corporate culture of the organization has a lot of what kind of service that you received your customers.

This article emphasizes Zappos, a company with one of the best corporate cultures in the world. I hope you win a couple of ideas to enrich your corporate culture from the practices of Zappos.

Zappos is an online shoe retailer, whose task is to provide the best customer service. They call this their "wow" philosophy, and it goes onthe customer. Zappos was as subscribe to one of the best corporate cultures in the world. Feed, Tony Hsieh, believes recognized when you'll make it to the culture, most of the other things like providing outstanding customer service offering that happen naturally on its own. In less than ten years the company has grown from no sales to $ 1 billion in gross sales. The number one driver of this growth has been by regular customers and word of mouth. What can you learn from a company that pays offWages below the market rate? How do they create such an exceptional culture?

Here are a few of the things that make Zappos culture is unique:

Management ensures that everyone understands the vision synonymous with Zappos with the best customer service. The company has ten core values that all employees know and believe. This is not just rhetoric. Videos of people bring the main values of life can be found on YouTube, and also published ZapposCulture is a book that has over 450 pages of ideas about the workers' culture.

Go beyond. For example, if a customer is looking for a particular shoe, and Zappos is sold out, looking for workers competitor locations and directs the customers to competitors. They lose the sale, but to gain customer loyalty.

Zappos is committed to cultural fit. When the interview, they look for people who are about customer service, are not passionatenecessarily about shoes. Hsieh himself admits that only have ten pairs of shoes. Zappos does not hire for skills alone.

Employees to use social media to build relationships with colleagues and staff. Zappos About 400 employees are on Twitter, and the company encourages them to build up customers and employees. Most employees' contributions are not even on the deal.

They practice what they preach. "Create fun and a little Weirdness" and "Deliver Wow Service" onlyTwo of the ten most important values. Zappos has employees who do not practice the core values not released, even if they do their work function. In fact, the core values of 50% of the performance evaluation.

Call center statistics are not measured. Employees are encouraged to be the relationships with the customers and not to those from the phone. There are no scripts. Employees have to take the power to make decisions. A call center representatives a customer sent flowers after she mentionedjust found out she had cancer. Every call center employee is expected, a dozen personal notes to customers to send one days.

All new employees, executives from the bottom, go through five weeks of training, which also calls for the answering customer questions and learning the shipping company plant.

You pay for new employees to quit. At the end of the orientation course program offered to new employees $ 2,000 plus training costs to terminate. Zappos wants to ensure that those whoremain bound with all their hearts to the company.

Agencies are required to spend 10 percent to 20 percent of their time, hang around with the people they manage. Agencies are invited to hang with the staff outside the office.

Think about your corporate culture for a moment. Where you can build more enthusiasm and loyalty? Take now have an obligation to manage the conversation to the table. A corporate culture that hasintroduced and maintained. Start today and watch your business grow From Good to Great.

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