Maintaining Culture Integrity After A Merger Or Aquisition

เขียนโดย Eva | 14:45

For over 25 years I worked with organizations that have worked for a merger or acquisition experience. It's amazing how seamlessly these organizations, new signs, placed on all buildings, streamlining paperwork, print new brochures with the new company name and logo, and successfully with any number of similar routine administrative functions.

However, it is a mystery to me why so many companies are not such a bad job of mixing the cultures of the two organizations into aeffective, focused, and successful new corporate company with a clear direction, culture and personality.

Why is this so?

1. Management is too much with the financial and administrative tasks that they have no time or energy left to better address the human factors.

2. Management does not, filled the impact on the morale, safety, relationships, and the productivity of a culture of insecurity, stress and change.

3. Management does not have the empathy orSensitivity to the effects on the human relationships of the new culture and delegates those decisions / actions to the HR department, or anyone, if there is no HR department.

4. Management tried to cultivate the new culture does not legislate to make it in time.

5. Management does not know what it will look like the new culture and therefore plays' Let's wait and see. "

6. Management has the contact with the reality of what is really going on in theTrenches of the organization and relies on the "direct reports" about their awareness and / or understand what really is going on as a bottom-up review of their reality check.

Ago I worked with a client a few years, that went through a merger - acquisition. After four years, two different cultures were still in the organization. I heard again and again: if I do ___, we never had this problem. And by the employees of the acquired company, there was still aDispute about who bought whom.

I will tell you that in those years of uncertainty, lack of focus and clear direction of this organization, loss of business, sales, and good people, until they
decided to spend so much time and money in their human resources, as it has its pressures.

Management offering for the week: Mere precedent is a dangerous source of authority. Andrew Jackson

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