Michael Parenti - The JFK Assassination and the Gangster Nature of the State Part 4

เขียนโดย Eva | 15:02

, 2006) • Superpatriotism (City Lights Books, 2004) • The Assassination of Julius Caesar (New Press, 2003) • The Terrorism Trap (City Lights Books, 2002) • To Kill a Nation (Verso Books, 2001) • History as Mystery (City Lights Books, 1999) • America Besieged (City Lights Books, 1998) • Blackshirts and Reds (City Lights Books, 1997) • Dirty Truths (City Lights Books, 1996) • Against Empire (City Lights Books, 1995) • Inventing Reality (Wadsworth, second edition, 1993) • CountryIdols (St. Martin's ...


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