Authors@Google: Susan Faludi

เขียนโดย Eva | 04:05

The Authors@Google program was pleased to welcome Susan Faludi to Google's New York office to discuss her new book, "The Terror Dream". "In this, the most original examination of post-9/11 America, Susan Faludi shines a light on the country's psychological response to the attacks on that terrible day. Turning her laser-sharp observational powers on the media, popular culture, and political life, Faludi unearths a barely acknowledged but bedrock societal drama shot through with baffling contradictions. Why, she asks, did an assault on American global dominance provoke an almost hysterical summons to restore "traditional" manhood, marriage, and maternity? Why did our media react as if the hijackers had targeted not a commercial and military edifice but the family home and nursery? Why did an attack fueled by hatred of Western emancipation lead to a regressive fixation on Doris Day womanhood and John Wayne masculinity, with trembling-lipped "security moms," swaggering presidential gunslingers, and the "rescue" of a female soldier compulsively recast as a "helpless little girl"? The answer, Faludi finds, lies in a historical anomaly unique to the American experience: the nation that in recent memory has been least vulnerable to domestic attack is also a nation haunted by a centuries-long trauma of assault on its home soil. For nearly two hundred years, our central drama was not the invincibility of our frontiersmen but their inability to repel invasions of non-Christian ...

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The activation of Rostam. official trailer

เขียนโดย Eva | 10:40

The first 3d animation in persian. Based on a cultural epic mythology writen 1200 years ago by Hakim ferdowsi in Iran, one of the mot famouse poets. Story of Love and betrayal. Rostam and Sohrab. From Shaname, "the Book of Kings"

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11/27: Happy Thanksgiving from Hayley!

เขียนโดย Eva | 07:25

Grab a pie and have at it, kids! Our inspiration: A very fat, tired and American me: Oh! Twilight. So I saw the movie a couple days ago, and I must say that Edward is far sexier on screen than in text, because his facial expressions suggest that there's depth to his personality that is simply not present in the book. Kristen looked gorgeous-- probably prettier than Alice and Rosalie-- but her acting was laugh-out-loud bad at times. I liked the soundtrack; it really made the story seem like the current piece of pop culture that it is, and it managed to reflect the chemistry between the actors well. I want to apologize for offending anybody in my video last week, because I do, honestly, love the books just as much as I hate them. I don't think Twilight fans are stupid, and I wasn't meaning to suggest that they are. (But, um, the second you talk about it being more mature or deeper than Harry Potter? Prepare to endure the wrath of an angry HP fan.)

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The Ponderings of a Master Key

เขียนโดย Eva | 14:10

The Master Key Course is a powerful source of information for learning, understanding, and applying the energy of thought in relation to shaping one's life. Many have used the knowledge shared in this book as a tool to change lives for the better. Popular teachings such as what is found in books like "Think and Grow Rich" by Napolian Hill and the far-famed movie "The Secret" are perfect examples of how interested people are in this is type of knowledge. Like "The Master Key System" they all point to the importance of focusing on improving mental thoughts as the ground level of improving the quality of life.

The Master Key System was written in 1912 by Charles F. Haanel, and it is considered the master key to understanding the concepts, principles, and practicality of choosing to think thoughts with intent to create desired outcomes.

As the course is a progressive learning system, it is warned not to read the book as a novel but to focus on one chapter a week. This is what the writer felt was best for those taking the course back in the early 1900's. Although some concepts such as meditation and visualization taught in this 1912 published book are more commonly accepted in today's time, the course is still valued with Haanel's insightfulness. As he uncovers basic principles, Haanel makes it easy to understand the logic of training our brain to think in a productive way.

As it is suggested to master this twenty four week course one week at a time, you may find one or a few of the lessons not taking the full seven days to master. In my personal experience I feel, regardless of how long each lesson takes to master, the importance is to keep the focus on progressive learning.

There are also cautions from skeptics for readers to consider careful examination rather than easily adapting to the information taught in this course. Haanel himself warns not to read the book as a novel, as well as for the student of this course to be committed to the life changing applications without fail. Those who are skeptical of the law of attraction's relevancy in both Haanel's day and modern day, warn that the teachings in this course can be dangerous. As in any case when many perspectives are present, it is best to acknowledge disputes and ultimately think for one's self.

The Master Key System can be read as suggested in a way for progressive learning or it can be read like a novel in simply getting to know the material of what the author is sharing. The warning not to read this course like a novel can easily be understandable when considering it as a course for introducing new concepts and most likely unheard of reasons to consider thoughts as a core measure of shaping lives in the early 1900's.

In my opinion this book is an excellent source of information. I have found it to personally enhance understandings of spiritual perspectives. It has awakened the senses and stimulated necessity for application. However as I stated earlier, anyone reading this book should think for themselves in how to respond to the information shared in it.

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Business Management Books - Recommended for Your Personal Library

เขียนโดย Eva | 21:10

For those of us who have chosen careers in business, it makes sense to have all the business reference books you need close at hand. Thus, when giving speeches a colleges to MBA students, I often recommend that they start building their business library now. Indeed, my business library is somewhere between 3500 and 4000 books and lately, I have been going through it and giving away the books I no longer need since I am now retired.

However, I am not pitching all the books quite yet, because they say that the entrepreneurial itch runs deep and if it chooses to show itself again, then I want to be ready. So, with this truth told, let me recommend a few of the books that are staying on my personal business shelves that have to do with business management. If you do not have these books, I recommend considering them for your self:

"The One Minute Manager Gets Fit" by Kenneth Blanchard, PhD. - 1986

"Market Driven Management - Prescriptions for Survival in a Turbulent World" - B. Charles Ames and James D. Hlavacek - 1989.

Market Driven Management is the key to winning in the new paradigm of the fast paced market, with fierce competition, global markets and "exploding technologies and higher R and D costs" states the author.

"Getting IT to the Bottom Line - Management by Incremental Gains" by Richard S. Sloma - 1987.

This book explains how business managers can grow their businesses and manage by goal setting, careful evaluation and repeating that process. It is not some sort of get rich quick way to go about your business and the author makes it clear that it takes discipline, but assures the reader that this way works.

He talks a lot about business 'profit' planning, after all people are in business to make money. In the second half of the book he spends his time on the important task of measuring financial performance, and how to use this knowledge to project, set new goals and continue refining the process of making money, the bottom line.

I wish you all the best in starting and contributing the best books in business to your business library and wish you continued success in your business career whether you are a manager, corporate executive or a fearless small business entrepreneur.

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Book of Month - December 2007 - One Thousand White Women by Jim Fergus

เขียนโดย Eva | 16:20

Our Book of Month pick for December 2007 is One Thousand White Women, The Journals of May Dodd by Jim Fergus. The story is built around the historical event of the 1854 Fort Laramie Peace Conference in which a highly decorated Cheyenne Chief requested 1000 white women from the US Government. His hope was that by marrying the two cultures peace would be achieved. Jim Fergus picks up this event (which never came to fruition) and creates a cast of colorful, strong female characters around what might have been if this had come to pass.

The women in this book were trying to make a change for the better. It was their belief that they could cross the class and racial barrier by bearing children, thus assimilating into the Native American culture and becoming a better society all around. The central character, May, was an optimist even after living in abusive circumstances forced upon her for loving a man in a lower class. She endured unspeakable wrongs in the mental institution where she was placed by her own family. Because of this she retains a higher sense of self and regard for the human condition. Survival was utmost and May decides to live, to adapt, to want to be free.

The remarkable thing is that Fergus writes from a woman's perspective beautifully! It's almost unbelievable that a man got into the hearts and minds of these characters. His only area of obvious inexperience that is obvious is pregnancy and childbirth. But he does such a great job with everything else that this is easily overlooked. His characters are wonderful. From May Dodd, the fearless heroine, to Phemie, the Africa-Native Queen, these are women we are proud to have in our heritage - oh wait - they were not real. That is the worst part. Even though the story is tragic you leave the book desperately wishing these women had really existed so you could be proud to call yourself an American woman.

Even the less than attractive characters, Jules Seminole, Daisy Lovelace, Gretchen's lazy husband are well done. Fergus writes them so realistically that if he wants you to hate them - you really do! It was amazing to me the powerful emotions the "bad guys" were able to evoke in my book group. This was, by far, our best book club discussion to date!

If you are looking for a great book for book club give these girls a try. You will not regret it!

Join our free book of the month club chat at From this page you can access the One Thousand White Women Book Blog. Happy chatting!

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"Anita's Heaven" by Norman Ober - Book Review

เขียนโดย Eva | 04:15

Anita's Heaven

by Norman Ober

Blooming Twig Books

ISBN 9781933918112

"Anita's Heaven" is not your typical book. First, it is a beautiful story about a love that is so strong that it even transcends death. There are actually two authors to this true story, Norman Ober, and his late wife Anita. Norman was completely devastated when Anita passed away from cancer in 1990 and was completely shocked in 1993 when he started receiving messages from her from the other side. Norman, a self-professed, lifetime atheist at the time, finally started believing that this was his wife trying to communicate with him. They were able to communicate best through automatic writing, mostly on the computer as the best method to communicate. This book cleverly combines over 3,000 messages from Anita and heartwarming stories of Norman and Anita's life together. Their wonderful sense of humor and dedication to each other will make you love them by the end of the book.

In chapter 55, the author beautifully sums up the reason for "Anita's Heaven." "This book is about our commitment to love forever and to show grievers that they can love and be happy, homosexuals that there is salvation for them, women that their fight for equality is being fought in heaven and all of us can reach out to and find our lost loves, can believe in God and heaven if we don't now, with or without clerical help. Anita's letters talk about the afterlife open to all whether we pray or not, believe now or never did." Anita's letters are full of information and hope about where we go when we pass away. She describes God's love as kind and gentle, not wrathful and vindictive. She also describes life in nine other universes as well as our own and gives information about why we all exist. During this time, Norman begins to realize and accept that there really is a God and that life does indeed make sense.

I found this to be an excellent book and a validation that the fundamental view of judgment and punishment after death does not exist. You walk away with a sense of awe about our universe and about who we really are when we are not here. I highly recommend "Anita's Heaven" to people who enjoy love stories and are interested in life after death.

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Brian O'Leary Pt.3

เขียนโดย Eva | 15:45

Over the past twenty years, Dr. Brian O'Leary has researched, lectured and written extensively about new paradigms of science and global transformation. His most recent book Re-Inheriting the Earth describes how we can lift out of ourselves out of our current path of global destruction. Much of his work is based on extensive international travels to some of the best and brightest researchers of new science, new medicine and "free" energy. Dr. O'Leary has published internationally ten trade books on the frontiers of science, space, energy and culture, with sales averaging over 10000 copies per book. He was a NASA scientist-astronaut, assistant professor of astronomy at Cornell University alongside Carl Sagan, and has also taught Physics for Poets and Princeton University and technology assessment at the University of California Berkeley School of Law and Hampshire College. He has published over 100 technical papers in the peer reviewed scientific literature and another 100 popular magazine and Op-Ed pieces worldwide. He has appeared frequently on American national television and radio, including the Today Show, Larry King Live, the Donahue Show, Fox Television and the Art Bell Show.(CV) A passionate environmentalist open to innovative solutions, Dr. O'Leary was special consultant to the US House of Representatives Subcommittee on Energy and the Environment, wrote speeches and was senior advisor to environmental presidential candidate Morris Udall. He also helped ...

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Book Review - Nonprofit Nonsense and Common Sense - By Marshall McNott

เขียนโดย Eva | 01:30

Insights into the Operations and Funding of Nonprofit Organizations

Marshall McNott in his new book "Nonprofit Nonsense and Common Sense" has provided a valuable service to the Leadership Staff and Board of Directors of Nonprofit organizations, to the supporters of these programs, and to Foundations considering applications for grants.

McNott has chosen to use composite examples and sometimes fictional illustrations to provide suggestions for successful guidelines and principles. He begins by providing donors with "enlightenment questions" to ask. I appreciated Marshall's candid approach in guiding the reader through the many sides of fundraising, motivation, ethics of stewardship and absolute integrity in every area of operation.

A long career in Management in working with nonprofit organizations, as well as a wide variety of related roles: board member, consultant, and "servant" Marshall McNott knows every facet of nonprofit organizations and faith based ministries. He gives insights from a staff perspective, from the Board room, and as an outside looking in, offering constructive, practical advice for getting to the bottom of critical and significant issues being faced by nonprofit organizations today.

I found the chapter dealing with the Board of Directors, and their commitment to the CEO of the organization was significant. A number of suggested direct and pertinent questions provide the opportunity for accountability and the "iron to sharpening iron" concept.

"Nonprofit Nonsense & Common Sense" is an important and timely book. Everyone involved in a
nonprofit organization or ministry whether serving as a volunteer, a board member, as an executive, a staff member, or donor, will find insights and answers regarding their role in serving others.

As Reviewed for Midwest Book Review

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Seven Life-Changing Books

เขียนโดย Eva | 08:05

Four Agreements - Miguel Ruiz

It is a few years ago I read in the book. The beauty of this book you can only read the names of the chapters and that step alone can be a profound effect on how you see the world and how to react to what the dishes the world have. This book can change for the better in your life. The key here is that reading this book without bias. Cast your negative thoughts away before opening to allthe pages of this book. Promise that you believe every word of this book and with the promise that we do, we will start to see a good change, positive, constructive in your personality into your day, and throughout your life. Read the book to keep once every six months to renew your strength and your resolve to an open mind and principles stated in the book.

The wonder of the world's largest- Og Mandino

Once again, I read this book many years ago. In fact, I read most of the book. This is a book I skimmed. But I reached the chapter in the book that most influenced my life would be. Inside the book there is a series of pages that are filled with something called "The Memorandum of God." To write this beautiful piece is absolutely awesome. I can not tell you what she says because of this memorandum should be digested piece by piece,and you need the exact wording of the letter of Og Mandino hear, receive all the benefits.

Serenity (a companion of 12 Step Recovery) - Thomas Nelson

This book is a handy pocket that you can bring. The book is in the New Testament, and that in several chapters, the twelve measures presented and explained. This is one of the most unique 12 step books on the market and even worthy of discussion. Phase three ishas brought many changes in the lives of people who are the countless wonders of the world. The belief in God, know God and to reach, and reminded that God is always with us the things that affect people in the most positive.

Word According to Rogers - Fred Rogers

Mr. Rogers is awesome, and so his message to children and adults. Here is a man who is a true gentleman. He is no longer with us, but his words stay with us through theBooks, the implementation of his writings. This is a book that should have every child and every adult in his library. It just makes sense.

God Thinks You're Wonderful - Max Lucado

This book leaves me without words, because it is a solid reminder of God's love for me. If you have never had a gift for someone who should be the acquisition of all, this book tops the list. The good thing about this book and it works on every single CartoonsSide. So this is a book for those who do not like to read, and as for the reader.

2008 Writer's Market - Writer's Digest Books

This book is an interesting and comprehensive collection of agents, publishers, addresses, fax numbers, email addresses published all those people who have had to turn to your letter, your books, your poems. The book is great and, at times as heavy as a small phone book. And, of course, sometimes you mayexpensive. Some of the books, the Deluxe Edition contains a special code that customers go online and get a free annual subscription to If you have always dreamed of writing ideas, writing, or if you are serious matters published and allow one should buy this book for themselves.

The Holy Bible - Thomas Nelson

I saved the best for last, obviously. Sacred Scripture has always been the mostBook effectively, if it has changed my life for the better. If you have faith, you have everything, even if they do not. Sounds contradictory? Yes, but that everything is truth. The Bible in your hand or head, you can get the things you thought could not be realized. I remember when I was in the desert, and I looked at the big mountain to climb, so we did. (Yes, they called it rock-scaling, but I saw a huge mountain) in front of me. I froze inFear, even if more than five people were ahead of me has been very successful, and they made it look so easy. But again, I froze with fear. Then I remembered my faith, I remembered what I learned many years ago in the Bible. I remembered one of my favorite scriptures: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Ah, I stopped for a moment, trying to start climbing on the rocks and up to the top. At every step I thought, 'I can do anythingthrough Christ who strengthens me. "I said, everything was over with each step I climbed the mountain. Seems I went very quickly. Late in the day, someone said:" I looked Lin and fly!

Yes, the Bible is, and is a life-changing book in your very life, even if only a single verse and use of this verse on a daily basis. So there's my list of life changing seven pounds. Everyone should own in your library.

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