In this explosive, revealing, Rev. Dr. Ray Hagins shows class division is methodically inconsistencies in the Bible and a book we have mistakenly led to believe, without error. He stressed, however, that there are truths of the Bible. The truth in the Bible, but not because they are in the Bible. Were made in the Bible, because they are true. You can buy this DVD and the other by Dr. Ray Hagins to In addition, the online radio station to tune Dr. Ray Haginsto Transmits 24 / 7 and Sundays and Wednesdays, 8pm-10pm EST he broadcasts. It has a lot of information on African history, culture, religion, etc. Everyone can learn from his station no matter how you already know. Ma'at Hotep
'Us old people today should be ashamed of ourselves. I'm sorry, my great, great grandchildren: the way things are going I don't think we'll have very much to offer you. I apologise for that.' We caught up with Uncle Bob in May 2009 and took the opportunity to ask him 3 questions: 1. Have you seen any improvements since the Australian Government's Apology (to the Stolen Generations)? 2. What do yo do to maintain your culture; and how can people become part of indigenous culture? 3. In light of the current crises we face - environmental, financial etc - how do you see us progressing into the future? 4. (bonus question): what role can the media play in helping the situation? Filmed by Sheryl and Felipe of plugintv with thejuicemedia. The video is split into two parts for youtube. About Uncle Bob: [from the Kanyini Website: Bob Randall was born in 1934 at Middleton Pond on Tempe Station in the Central Desert region of the Northern Territory. He is a member of the Yankunytjatjara people and one of the listed traditional owners of Uluru. His mother, Tanguawa worked as a housemaid at Angus Downs cattle station for Bob's father, station owner, Bill Liddle. At a young age, Bob was taken away from his mother under government policy, whom he never saw again. Bob: 'I was institutionalised because I didn't wear clothes or live in a house. In that natural way of living, there was no need for me to have anything other than what I had.' Bob was sent to the Bungalow ...
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Andy plays Gibson guitar during 45 minute interview with Dusty at Culture Catch. Andy discusses THE POLICE reunion, his new book, and the early days with Sting, Eric Clapton, and others.
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The Authors@Google program was pleased to welcome Susan Faludi to Google's New York office to discuss her new book, "The Terror Dream". "In this, the most original examination of post-9/11 America, Susan Faludi shines a light on the country's psychological response to the attacks on that terrible day. Turning her laser-sharp observational powers on the media, popular culture, and political life, Faludi unearths a barely acknowledged but bedrock societal drama shot through with baffling contradictions. Why, she asks, did an assault on American global dominance provoke an almost hysterical summons to restore "traditional" manhood, marriage, and maternity? Why did our media react as if the hijackers had targeted not a commercial and military edifice but the family home and nursery? Why did an attack fueled by hatred of Western emancipation lead to a regressive fixation on Doris Day womanhood and John Wayne masculinity, with trembling-lipped "security moms," swaggering presidential gunslingers, and the "rescue" of a female soldier compulsively recast as a "helpless little girl"? The answer, Faludi finds, lies in a historical anomaly unique to the American experience: the nation that in recent memory has been least vulnerable to domestic attack is also a nation haunted by a centuries-long trauma of assault on its home soil. For nearly two hundred years, our central drama was not the invincibility of our frontiersmen but their inability to repel invasions of non-Christian ...
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Grab a pie and have at it, kids! Our inspiration: A very fat, tired and American me: Oh! Twilight. So I saw the movie a couple days ago, and I must say that Edward is far sexier on screen than in text, because his facial expressions suggest that there's depth to his personality that is simply not present in the book. Kristen looked gorgeous-- probably prettier than Alice and Rosalie-- but her acting was laugh-out-loud bad at times. I liked the soundtrack; it really made the story seem like the current piece of pop culture that it is, and it managed to reflect the chemistry between the actors well. I want to apologize for offending anybody in my video last week, because I do, honestly, love the books just as much as I hate them. I don't think Twilight fans are stupid, and I wasn't meaning to suggest that they are. (But, um, the second you talk about it being more mature or deeper than Harry Potter? Prepare to endure the wrath of an angry HP fan.)
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The Master Key Course is a powerful source of information for learning, understanding, and applying the energy of thought in relation to shaping one's life. Many have used the knowledge shared in this book as a tool to change lives for the better. Popular teachings such as what is found in books like "Think and Grow Rich" by Napolian Hill and the far-famed movie "The Secret" are perfect examples of how interested people are in this is type of knowledge. Like "The Master Key System" they all point to the importance of focusing on improving mental thoughts as the ground level of improving the quality of life.
The Master Key System was written in 1912 by Charles F. Haanel, and it is considered the master key to understanding the concepts, principles, and practicality of choosing to think thoughts with intent to create desired outcomes.
As the course is a progressive learning system, it is warned not to read the book as a novel but to focus on one chapter a week. This is what the writer felt was best for those taking the course back in the early 1900's. Although some concepts such as meditation and visualization taught in this 1912 published book are more commonly accepted in today's time, the course is still valued with Haanel's insightfulness. As he uncovers basic principles, Haanel makes it easy to understand the logic of training our brain to think in a productive way.
As it is suggested to master this twenty four week course one week at a time, you may find one or a few of the lessons not taking the full seven days to master. In my personal experience I feel, regardless of how long each lesson takes to master, the importance is to keep the focus on progressive learning.
There are also cautions from skeptics for readers to consider careful examination rather than easily adapting to the information taught in this course. Haanel himself warns not to read the book as a novel, as well as for the student of this course to be committed to the life changing applications without fail. Those who are skeptical of the law of attraction's relevancy in both Haanel's day and modern day, warn that the teachings in this course can be dangerous. As in any case when many perspectives are present, it is best to acknowledge disputes and ultimately think for one's self.
The Master Key System can be read as suggested in a way for progressive learning or it can be read like a novel in simply getting to know the material of what the author is sharing. The warning not to read this course like a novel can easily be understandable when considering it as a course for introducing new concepts and most likely unheard of reasons to consider thoughts as a core measure of shaping lives in the early 1900's.
In my opinion this book is an excellent source of information. I have found it to personally enhance understandings of spiritual perspectives. It has awakened the senses and stimulated necessity for application. However as I stated earlier, anyone reading this book should think for themselves in how to respond to the information shared in it.
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